Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Pauline Maurice, “Analyse du comportement”, 16 eq. TD, M2 “Sciences Cognitives”, Univ. Lorraine, France

  • Master: Francis Colas, “Robotique Autonome”, 18h eq. TD, M2 “Systèmes Interactifs et Robotiques”, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master: Francis Colas, “ROS”, 6h eq. TD, M1, Mines de Nancy, France.

  • Master: Francis Colas, “Planification de trajectoires”, 12h eq. TD, M2 “Apprentissage, Vision, Robotique”, Univ. Lorraine, France.

  • Master : Vincent Thomas, “Apprentissage numérique”, 15h eq. TD, M2, Université de Lorraine, France.

  • Master : Vincent Thomas, “Optimisation et métaheuristique”, 15h eq. TD, M1, Université de Lorraine, France.

  • Master : Vincent Thomas, “Game Design”, 16h eq. TD, M1, Université de Lorraine, France.

  • Master : Vincent Thomas, “Agents intelligents et collectifs”, 16h eq. TD, M1, Université de Lorraine, France.

  • Master : Vincent Thomas, “Serious Game”, 12h eq. TD, M2, Université de Lorraine, France.

  • Master : Alexis Scheuer, “Vie artificielle”, 22,5h eq. TD, M2, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master : Alexis Scheuer, “Introduction à la robotique mobile”, 30h eq. TD, M1, Université de Lorraine, France.

  • Master : Alexis Scheuer, “Boucle sensori-motrice et comportement autonome”, 15h eq. TD, M2, Université de Lorraine, France.

  • Master : Alexis Scheuer, “Modélisation et commande en robotique”, 16h eq. TD, M2, Université de Lorraine, France.


  • PhD: Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis, 14 Dec. 2018, “Micro-Data Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Robots”, started in Oct. 2015, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (advisor).

  • PhD: Oriane Dermy, 17 Dec. 2018, “Prédiction de l'intention: du geste au mouvement corps complet”, started Oct. 2015, François Charpillet (advisor), Serena Ivaldi

  • PhD in progress: Waldez Avedo Gomes Junior, “Intelligent Collaboration between Humans and Robots”, started in Oct. 2018, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (advisor), Serena Ivaldi

  • PhD in progress: Rituraj Kaushik, “Fast adaptation to damage by exploiting trajectory data”, started in Oct. 2016, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (advisor).

  • PhD in progress: Adam Gaier ,“Optimisation aerodynamic design through illumination of surrogate models”, started in June 2017, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (advisor), Alexander Asteroth.

  • PhD in progress: Vladislav Tempez, “Apprentissage data-efficace de lois de commandes pour robots volants”, started in Sept. 2018, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (advisor).

  • PhD in progress: Adrien Malaisé, “Capteurs portés dans la robotique collaborative : de l'apprentissage du mouvement humain à l'acceptabilitee de cette technologie”, started in January 2017, Francis Colas (advisor), Serena Ivaldi.

  • PhD in progress: Jérôme Truc, “Apprentissage de comportement et interactions prédictives pour un robot d'assistance en environnement structuré”, started in September 2018, Francis Colas (advisor).

  • PhD in progress: Yassine El Khadiri, “Apprentissage automatique pour l’assistance à l’autonomie à domicile", started in September 2018, François Charpillet(advisor).

  • PhD in progress: Eloise Zehnder, “Interaction entre technologie et personnes âgées : adaptabilité et acceptabilité des technologies d'assistance (AT) à domicile", François Charpillet, Jérome Dinet (advisors).


  • Francis Colas was a reviewer for the PhD of Marie-Lou Barnaud (Univ. Grenoble Alpes).

  • Serena Ivaldi was a reviewer for the PhD of Pavan Kanajar (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy).

  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the PhD of Nicolas Duminy (Univ. Bretagne Sud),

  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the PhD of Aurélien Massein (Univ. Côte d’Azur),

  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the PhD of Jules Waldhart (Univ. Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées),

  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the PhD of Farhood Negin (Univ. Côte d'Azur),

  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the PhD of Mathieu Lelerre (Univ. Normandie),

  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the HDR of Dominique Vaufreydaz (Univ. Grenoble Alpes).