Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • Amine Boumaza is a member of the editorial board of “Interstice”.

Articles and contents

  • Jean-Baptiste Mouret gave interviews for France Culture (radio), France 3 Lorraine (TV), and Socialter (printed magazine)

  • François Charpillet gave an interview which gave an article on Re.Med. La revue de la Recherche Médicale du CHRU de Nancy.


  • Vincent Thomas was member of the organization comitee of the “24h des DUT informatique” event (Nancy, 2018) and organized the Artificial Intelligence competition during the event (218 students from 25 DUT of computer science).

  • Serena Ivaldi is in the scientific committee for the robotics exhibition at the “Cité des sciences et de l'industrie” in Paris (starting in April 2019).

  • Serena Ivaldi presented our activities in robotics at the Lycée Henri Loritz in Nancy


  • Public workshop on robot programming with Thymio for the Ada Lovelace Day [Alexis Scheuer]

  • Public workshop on robot programming with Thymio at “Fête de la Science” [Alexis Scheuer, Olivier Rochel, Francis Colas]

  • The team showed demonstrations for the Ada Lovelace Day (around 20 female students)

  • Participated to a panel at the “Forum des Sciences Cognitives” (Nancy, France) [Jean-Baptiste Mouret]

  • Tutorials on “physics simulation” and “path planning” for teachers during “journées ISN-EPI” (Nancy, France) [Vincent Thomas]

Internal action

  • Jean-Baptiste Mouret gave a talk for the Colloquium organied by LORIA