Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Cifre Diatelic-Pharmagest
Participants : François Charpillet, Yassine El Khadiri, Cedric Rose, Gabriel Corona.
Cedric Rose and Gabriel Corona are from Diatelic.
The ageing of the population and the increase in life expectancy will confront modern societies with an unprecedented demographic transformation. The placement of older people in a nursing home (EPHAD) is often only a choice of reason and can be rather poorly experienced by people. One answer to this societal problem is the development of Smart home technologies that facilitate elderly to stay in their homes longer than they can do today. This new collaboration with Diatelic a subsidiary of the Pharmagest group is supported through a PhD thesis (Cifre) which started in June 2017. The objective is to enhance the CareLib solution developed by Diatelic and Larsen Team through a previous collaboration (Satelor project). The Carelib offer is a solution, consisting of
a 3D sensor (capable (1)to measure characteristics of the gait such as the speed and step length, (2) to identify Activities of Daily Life and (3) to detect emergency situation such as Fall),
universal sensors (motion, ...) installed in each part of the housing.
The objective of the PhD program is to provides personalized follow-up by learning life habits, the main objective being to track the Activities of Daily Life (ADL) and detect emergency situations needing external interventions (E.G fall detection). This year we have developed an algorithm capable to detect sleep-wake cycles using only motion sensors. The approach is based on bayesian inference. The algorithms have been evaluated using publicly available dataset and Diatelic's own dataset.