Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR Projects
ANR-FWF CyberCircuits (2018-2022): “Cybergenetic circuits to test composability of gene networks”, co-coordinated by C. Guet (IST Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria) and J. Ruess (Inria EPI Lifeware);
ANR-DFG Symbiont (2018-2021) on “Symbolic Methods for Biological Systems”, coordinated by T. Sturm (CNRS, LORIA, Nancy, France) and A. Weber (Univ. Bonn, Germany) with F. Fages and F. Boulier (U. Lille), O. Radulescu (U. Montpellier), A. Schuppert (RWTH Aachen), S. Walcher (RWTH Aachen), W. Seiler (U. Kassel);
ANR-MOST Biopsy (2016-2020) on “Biochemical Programming System”, coordinated by F. Molina (CNRS, Sys2diag, Montpellier) and J.H. Jiang (National Taiwan University), with F. Fages;
ANR Memip (2016-2020) on “Mixed-Effects Models of Intracellular Processes”, coordinated by G. Batt, with P. Hersen, (CNRS/Paris7), E. Cinquemani (Inria EPI IBIS) and M. Lavielle (Inria/CNRS/Polytechnique, EPI XPOP);
ANR Cogex (2016-2019) on “Computer Aided Control of Gene Expression” coordinated by P. Hersen (MSC lab, CNRS/Paris7), with G. Batt and G. Truan (LISBP, CNRS/INSA);
ANR Blanc Hyclock (2014-2018) on “Hybrid modeling of time for Circadian Clock Biology and Chronopharmacology”, coordinated by F. Delaunay (CNRS, Nice), with F. Lévi (INSERM Paris-Sud), G. Bernot (CNRS I3S, Nice), O. Roux (Ecole Centrale Nantes), F. Fages and S. Soliman;
ANR Blanc Stoch-MC (2014-2018) on “Stochastic Models: Scalable Model Checking”, coordinated by Blaise Genest (Inria Rennes), with Grégory Batt, Wieslaw Zielonka (LIAFA), and Hugo Gimbert (LaBRI).
Inria Project Lab
IPL Cosy (2017-2021) “real-time control of synthetic microbial communities”, coordinated by Eugenio Cinquemani (Ibis, Inria), with Jean-Luc Gouzé (Biocore, Inria), Gregory Batt, Frédéric Bonnans (Commands, Inria), Efimov Denis (Non-A, Inria), and Hans Geiselmann (BIOP, Université Grenoble-Alpes), Beatrice Laroche (Maiage, Inra Jouy-en-Josas).