Section: Application Domains
Mathematical and numerical modelling of physical systems undergoing impacts is challenging due to the presence of large deformations and displacements of the solid part, and due to the strongly non-linear behaviour of the fluid part. At the same time, proper experiments of impact phenomena are particularly dangerous and require expensive facilities, which make them largely impractical. For this reason, there is a growing interest in the development of predictive models for impact phenomena.
In MEMPHIS, we rely on a fully Eulerian approach based on conservation laws, where the different materials are characterized by their specific constitutive laws, to address these tasks. This approach was introduced in [34] and subsequently pursued and extended in [40], [33], [27], [30] In Figure 3, we show the results of the numerical simulation of the impact of a copper projectile immersed in air over a copper shield. Results are obtained using a fully parallel monolithic Cartesian method, based on a fixed Cartesian grid. Simulations are performed on a cluster of 512 processors, and benefits from the isomorphism between grid partitioning and processor topology.