Section: New Results
Source Localization and Separation
Source separation, sparse representations, probabilistic model, source localization
Acoustic source localization is, in general, the problem of determining the spatial coordinates of one or several sound sources based on microphone recordings. This problem arises in many different fields (speech and sound enhancement, speech recognition, acoustic tomography, robotics, aeroacoustics...) and its resolution, beyond an interest in itself, can also be the key preamble to efficient source separation, which is the task of retrieving the source signals underlying a multichannel mixture signal. Over the last years, we proposed a general probabilistic framework for the joint exploitation of spatial and spectral cues [9], hereafter summarized as the “local Gaussian modeling”, and we showed how it could be used to quickly design new models adapted to the data at hand and estimate its parameters via the EM algorithm. This model became the basis of a large number of works in the field, including our own. This accumulated progress lead, in 2015, to two main achievements: a new version of the Flexible Audio Source Separation Toolbox, fully reimplemented, was released [122] and we published an overview paper on recent and going research along the path of guided separation in a special issue of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine [10].
From there, our recent work divided into several tracks: maturity work on the concrete use of these tools and principles in real-world scenarios, in particular within the voiceHome and INVATE projects (see Sections 7.5.1, 7.5.2); more exploratory work towards new approaches diverging away from local Gaussian modeling (Section 7.5.3) ; formulating and addressing a larger class of problems related to localization and separation, in the contexts of robotics (Section 7.5.4) and virtual reality (Section 7.5.2). Eventually, one of these new tracks, audio scene analysis with machine learning, evolved beyond the “localization and separation” paradigm, and is the subject of a new axis of research presented in Section 7.6.
Towards Real-world Localization and Separation
Participants : Nancy Bertin, Frédéric Bimbot, Rémi Gribonval, Ewen Camberlein, Romain Lebarbenchon, Mohammed Hafsati.
Main collaborations: Emmanuel Vincent (MULTISPEECH Inria project-team, Nancy)
Based on the team's accumulated expertise and tools for localization and separation using the local Gaussian model, two real-world applications were addressed in the past year, which in turn gave rise to new research tracks.
First, we were part of the voiceHome project (2015-2017, see Section 9.1.4), an industrial collaboration aiming at developing natural language dialog in home applications, such as control of domotic and multimedia devices, in realistic and challenging situations (very noisy and reverberant environments, distant microphones). We benchmarked, improved and optimized existing localization and separation tools to the particular context of this application, worked on a better interface between source localization and source separations steps and on optimal initialization scenarios, and reduced the latency and computational burden of the previously available tools, highlighting operating conditions were real-time processing is achievable. Automatic selection of the best microphones subset in an array was investigated. A journal publication including new data (extending the voiceHome Corpus, see Section 6.1), baseline tools and results, submitted to a special issue of Speech Communication, was published this year [12].
Accomplished progress and levers of improvements identified thanks to this project resulted in the granting of an Inria ADT (Action de Développement Technologique), which started in September 2017, for a new development phase of the FASST software (see Section 6.5). In addition, evolutions of the MBSSLocate software initiated during this project led to a successful participation in the IEEE-AASP Challenge on Acoustic Source Localization and Tracking (LOCATA), and to industrial transfer (see Section 8.1.1).
Separation for Remixing Applications
Participants : Nancy Bertin, Rémi Gribonval, Mohammed Hafsati.
Main collaborations: Nicolas Epain (IRT bcom, Rennes)
Second, through the Ph.D. of Mohammed Hafsati (in collaboration with the IRT bcom with the INVATE project, see Section 9.1.2) started in November 2016, we investigated a new application of source separation to sound re-spatialization from Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) signals [86], in the context of free navigation in 3D audiovisual contents. We studied the applicability conditions of the FASST framework to HOA signals and benchmarked localization and separation methods in this domain. Simulation results showed that separating sources in the HOA domain results in a 5 to 15 dB increase in signal-to-distortion ratio, compared to the microphone domain. These results led to a conference paper submission in 2018. We continued extending our methods to hybrid acquisition scenarios, where the separation of HOA signals can be informed by complementary close-up microphonic signals. Future work will include subjective evaluation of the developed workflows.
Beyond the Local Complex Gaussian Model
Participant : Antoine Deleforge.
Main collaboration: Nicolas Keriven (ENS Paris), Antoine Liutkus (ZENITH Inria project-team, Montpellier)
The team has also recently investigated a number of alternative probabilistic models to the local complex Gaussian (LCG) model for audio source separation. An important limit of LCG is that most signals of interest such as speech or music do not exhibit Gaussian distributions but heavier-tailed ones due to their important dynamic [110]. We provided a theoretical analysis of some limitations of the classical LCG-based multichannel Wiener filter in [21]. In [32] we proposed a new sound source separation algorithm using heavy-tailed alpha stable priors for source signals. Experiments showed that it outperformed baseline Gaussian-based methods on under-determined speech or music mixtures. Another limitation of LCG is that it implies a zero-mean complex prior on source signals. This induces a bias towards low signal energies, in particular in under-determined settings. With the development of accurate magnitude spectrogram models for audio signals such as nonnegative matrix factorization [120][9] or more recently deep neural networks [119], it becomes desirable to use probabilistic models enforcing strong magnitude priors. In [75], we explored deterministic magnitude models. An approximate and tractable probabilistic version of this referred to as BEADS (Bayesian Expansion Approximating the Donut Shape) was presented this year [33]. The source prior considered is a mixture of isotropic Gaussians regularly placed on a zero-centered complex circle.
Applications to Robot Audition
Participants : Nancy Bertin, Antoine Deleforge.
Main collaborations: Aly Magassouba, Pol Mordel and François Chaumette (LAGADIC Inria project-team, Rennes), Alexander Schmidt and Walter Kellermann (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
Implicit Localization through Audio-based Control. In robotics, the use of aural perception has received recently a growing interest but still remains marginal in comparison to vision. Yet audio sensing is a valid alternative or complement to vision in robotics, for instance in homing tasks. Most existing works are based on the relative localization of a defined system with respect to a sound source, and the control scheme is generally designed separately from the localization system. In contrast, the approach that we investigated in the context of Aly Magassouba's Ph.D. (defended in December 2016) focused on a sensor-based control approach. Results obtained in the previous years [116], [114], [115] were encompassed and extended in two journal papers published this year [17], [18]. In particular, we obtained new results on the use of interaural level difference as the only input feature of the servo, a counter-intuitive result outside the robotic context. We also showed the robustness, low-complexity and independence to Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF) of the approach on humanoid robots.
Sound Source Localization with a Drone. Flying robots or drones have undergone a massive development in recent years. Already broadly commercialized for entertainment purpose, they also underpin a number of exciting future applications such as mail delivery, smart agriculture, archaeology or search and rescue. An important technological challenge for these platforms is that of localizing sound sources in order to better analyse and understand their environment. For instance, how to localize a person crying for help in the context of a natural disaster? This challenge raises a number of difficult scientific questions. How to efficiently embed a microphone array on a drone? How to deal with the heavy ego-noise produced by the drone’s motors? How to deal with moving microphones and distant sources? Victor Miguet and Martin Strauss tackled part of these challenges during their masters' internships. A light 3D-printed structure was designed to embed a USB sound card and a cubic 8-microphone array under a Mikrokopter drone that can carry up to 800 g of payload in flights. Noiseless speech and on-flights ego-noise datasets were recorded. The data were precisely annotated with the target source's position, the state of each drone's propellers and the drone's position and velocity. Baseline methods including multichannel Wiener filtering, GCC-PHAT and MUSIC were implemented in both C++ and Matlab and were tested on the dataset. Up to speech localization accuracy in both azimuth and elevation was achieved under heavy-noise conditions ( dB signal-to-noise-ratio). The dataset was made publicly available at and was presented together with the results in [37].