Section: Dissemination
Pierre-Louis Curien gave a talk in the Lycée Georges Dumézil (Vernon, Eure, May 2018) on computer bugs and their prevention, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of this high school.
Jean-Jacques Lévy is member of the Inria-Alumni's executive committee (4 meetings in 2018) and organised the session about the Transparency of Algorithms (November 12).
Jean-Jacques Lévy was invited by the French Academy of Sciences to participate to the 2018 Hangzhou International Human Resources Exchanges and Cooperation Conference (Hangzhou, November 9-12).
Yann Régis-Gianas co-organised the “Journée Francilienne de Programmation”, a programming contest between undergraduate students of three universities of Paris (UPD, UPMC, UPS).
Yann Régis-Gianas is the project leader of the "Learn-OCaml" project whose purpose is to support teaching the OCaml programming language worldwide.