Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Alexis Scheuer, “Introduction à la robotique autonome”, 30h eq. TD, M1 informatique, Univ. Lorraine, France.

  • Master: Alexis Scheuer, “Vie artificielle”, 22,5h eq. TD, 3ème année, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master: Francis Colas, “Robotique autonome”, 18h eq. TD, M2 “Systèmes Interactifs et Robotiques”, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master: Francis Colas, “Planification de trajectoires”, 12h eq. TD, M2 “Apprentissage, Vision, Robotique”, Univ. Lorraine, France.

  • Master: Alexis Scheuer, “Modélisation et commande en robotique”, 16h eq. TD, M2 “Apprentissage, Vision, Robotique”, Univ. Lorraine, France.

  • Master: Francis Colas, “Autonomous Robotics”, 39.5h eq. TD, M1, CentraleSupélec, France.

  • Master: Pauline Maurice, “Analyse Comportementale”, 10h eq. TD, M2 “Sciences Cognitives”, Univ. Lorraine, France.

  • Master: Jean-Baptiste Mouret, “Creative automatic design”, 3h, M2, M2 “Management de l'innovation”, Mines de Paris, France

  • Master: Serena Ivaldi, “Analyse Comportementale”, 16h CM/TD, M2 “Sciences Cognitives”, Univ. Lorraine, France.

  • Master: Amine Boumaza, “Méta-heuristiques et recherche locale stochastique”, 30h eq. TD, M1 informatique, Univ. Lorraine, France.

  • Tutorial: Olivier Buffet, “Planification dans l'incertain", 3h CM, CNRS Formation Entreprise.

  • Tutorial, Jean-Baptiste Mouret, “Evolutionary robotics”, 3h, ACM GECCO 2019 (with S. Doncieux and N. Bredeche, Sorbonne Université)


  • PhD in progress: Adrien Malaisé, “Capteurs portés dans la robotique collaborative : de l'apprentissage du mouvement à l'acceptabilité de cette technologie”, started in January 2017, Francis Colas (advisor), Serena Ivaldi (co-advisor).

  • PhD in progress: Yang You, “Modèles probabilistes pour la collaboration humain-robot”, started in October 2019, Olivier Buffet (advisor), Vincent Thomas (co-advisor)

  • PhD canceled: Jérôme Truc, “Apprentissage de comportement et interactions prédictives pour un robot d'assistance en environnement structuré”, started in September 2018, canceled in July 2019, Francis Colas (advisor)

  • PhD in progress: Rituraj Kaushik, “Damage recovery by trial and error and multiple simulation priors”, started in October 2016, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (advisor)

  • PhD in progress: Adam Gaier, “Surrogate-based illumination for aerodynamics”, started in October 2016, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (Advisor)

  • PhD in progress: Vladislav Tempez, “Learning to fly a micro-UAVs in highly confined environments”, started in October 2018, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (advisor), Franck Ruffier (co-advisor, CNRS/Aix-Marseille Université)

  • PhD in progress: Waldez Azevedo Gomes Junior, “Intelligent Human-Robot collaboration”, started in October 2018, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (advisor), Serena Ivaldi (co-advisor)

  • PhD in progress: Yoann Fleytoux, “Human-guided manipulation learning of irregular objects”, started in April 2019, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (advisor), Serena Ivaldi (co-advisor)

  • PhD in progress: Luigi Penco, “Intelligent whole-body tele-operation of humanoid robots”, started in April 2019, Jean-Baptiste Mouret (advisor), Serena Ivaldi (co-advisor)

  • PhD in progress: Lorenzo Vianello, “Adaptation in human-robot collaboration”, started in December 2019, Alexis Aubry (advisor, CRAN, Univ. Lorraine), Serena Ivaldi (co-advisor)

  • PhD in progress : Yassine EL Khadiri, Cifre with Diatelic, “Machine learning for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL)”, started in June 2017, François Charpillet adviser.

  • PhD in progress : Eloise Zehnder, “Elderly-technology interaction: accessibility and acceptability of assistive technology (at) at home”, started October 2018, François Charpillet (advisor), Jérome Dinet (advisor, 2LPN).

  • PhD in progress : Julien Uzzan, Cifre with PSA, “navigation of an autonomous vehicle in a complex environment using unsupervised or semi-supervised learning”, started in January 2019, François Charpillet (advisor), François Aioun (co-advisor, PSA).

  • PhD in progress : Jessica Colombel, “Analysis of human movement for assistance”, started in Feburary 2019, François Charpillet (advisor) David Daney(advisor, Auctus team, Bordeaux)

  • PhD in progress : Nicolas Gauville, CIFRE with SAFRAN, “Coordination of autonomous robots evolving in unstructured and unknown environment for Search and Rescue”, started in May 2019, François Charpillet (advisor), Christophe Guettier (co-adviser, Safran).


  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the HDR of Antony Fleury (Lille University)

  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the HDR of François Portet (LIG, Grenoble Alpes University)

  • Pauline Maurice was an examinator for the PhD of Nolwenn Briquet-Kerestedjian (Univ. Paris-Saclay)

  • Jean-Baptiste Mouret was a reviewer for the PhD of Christophe Reymann (INSA Toulouse / LAAS)

  • Jean-Baptiste Mouret was a reviewer for the PhD of Daniele Gravina (University of Malta)

  • Serena Ivaldi was an examiner for the PhD of Rohan Budhiraja (LAAS)

  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the PhD of Facundo Benavides Olivera (ISAE, Toulouse University & Universidad de la República, Uruguay)

  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the PhD of Mehdi Othmani-Guibourg (Sorbonne University)

  • François Charpillet was a reviewer for the PhD of Sandra Castellanos (LIG, Grenoble Alpes University)

  • François Charpillet was a examiner for the PhD of Pavan Vasishta(Grenoble Alpes University)