Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • Amine Boumaza is a member of the editorial board of “Interstice”.

Articles and contents

  • Pauline Maurice gave an interview for Radio Canada (radio).

  • Serena Ivaldi gave an interview to France 3 (TV) during the inauguration of the Creativ'Lab.


  • Vincent Thomas gave a tutorial on path planning for teachers during “journées ISN-EPI 2019” (Nancy, France).


  • Public workshop on robot programming with Thymio at “Fête de la Science” [Alexis Scheuer, Olivier Buffet, Jessica Colombel, Francis Colas, Yassine El Khadiri, Vincent Thomas, Yang You]

  • Pauline Maurice gave a talk at the Forum Sciences Cognitives 2019 in Université de Lorraine.

  • Jean-Baptiste Mouret was invited to debate about artificial intelligence at “La Tronche en Biais”, an online popularization channel (27k view for this video)

  • Eloïse Dalin and Pierre Desreumaux participated to a “Café des Sciences” artificial intelligence and robotics at the “Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie” (Paris)

  • Serena Ivaldi participated to the “Fête de la Science” as tutor for school children in Inria/Loria