Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Antoine Rousseau is member of the ANR project ANSWER (PI Céline Casenave), 2016-2020
Gwladys Toulemonde is head of a project (2019-2021) funded by INSU via the action MANU (MAthematical and NUmerical methods) of the LEFE program. This project, called Fraise, is focused on rainfall forcing by stochastic simulation for hydrological impact studies from dry periods to extreme events. The consortium involved in this project is larger than the Cerise one (14 researchers from 8 partners : AgroParisTech, CNRS, INRA, Inria, IRD, Université de Lyon 1, Université de Montpellier and the University of Venise in Italy).
Gwladys Toulemonde is member of the ANR project Gambas (PI Frédéric Mortier, Cirad), 2019-2023. The project GAMBAS focuses on joint species distribution models. These models can provide a better understanding and more accurate predictions of species distributions based on environmental variables while taking into account the effects of all other co-occurring species (e.g. competition).
Pascal Finaud-Guyot is member of the ANR project DEUFI (PI André Paquier, IRSTEA Lyon), 2019-2022
All the team is involved in the Inria ADT named SW2D-Lemon. This development project led to 2 coding sprints (of 2 weeks each) with the development team in Sophia. Thanks to this project, SW2D is now a C++ platform, with a dedicate GUI.