Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

  • Gwladys Toulemonde is member of the PHC Utique project (with Tunisia) AMANDE (PI Julie Carreau, IRD), 2019-2021. The project AMANDE focuses on stochastic and semi-parametric approaches combined to teledetection for the study of the water stress.

Inria International Labs

  • Inria Chile. Associate Team involved in the International Lab: NEMOLOCO

    • Title: NEw MOdeLing tOols for Coastal Oceanography

    • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher): Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile) - CIGIDEN - Rodrigo Cienfuegos

    • Start year: 2017

    • See also: https://team.inria.fr/lemon/en/

    • The NEMOLOCO project targets the improvement of models in the coastal zone. Expected contributions concern: 1) design and implementation of domain decomposition and coupling techniques for coastal modeling; 2) high resolution ocean simulation (including nesting) thanks to the software ROMS-CROCO, applied to biological tracers tracking.

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners
  • A research collaboration agreement was signed with LSIA, Fès University, Morocco in the framework of Yassine Bel-Ghaddar PhD thesis.