Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
C. Poignard: Organization of the Core-to-Core meeting March 21st-22nd at Bordeaux. This is the annual meeting of the JSPS Consortium « Establishing networks in mathematical medicine », which gathers Osaka University (Suzuki’s lab), Vanderbilt University (Quaranta’s lab), St Andrews Univ. (Chaplain’s lab), and Inria Bordeaux team MONC.
Scientific Events: Selection
S. Benzekry served as a reviewer for the IEEE Control Systems Society Conference and for the International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Oncology (Lake Tahoe, NV, USA).
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
S. Benzekry served as a reviewer for Nature Communications, Cancer Research, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Scientific Reports and ESAIM: Proc.
C. Etchegaray: ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Royal Society Open Sciences.
O. Saut: Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, PLOS One, Journal of Theoretical Biology, EBioMedicine, Nature Communications, Medical Image Analysis.
Invited Talks
S. Benzekry: May 2019, RITS conference (Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Sante) of the French Society of Biomedical Engineering (SFGBM), Tours, France.
S. Benzekry: May 2019, Seminaire phases I en oncologie, Marseille, France. Old concept, new name? l’intelligence artificielle en oncologie.
S. Benzekry: May 2019, Masterclass Mathematiques appliquees CEPS Mathematiques Des Sciences du Vivant, CIRM, Marseille, France.
S. Benzekry: May 2019, NCI Mathematical Oncology Meeting, Portland, USA.
S. Benzekry: May 2019, Biomedicum Helsinki Seminar (Invitation by Sampsa Hautaniemi), Faculty of Medicine, Helsinki, Finland.
S. Benzekry: June 2019, Seminar in the Novartis pharmacometrics department. Basel, Switwerland. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in oncology: myths and reality.
S. Benzekry: July 2019, International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISoP) workshop. Paris, France.
O. Saut: July 2019, Mathematical models in Biology and Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
Scientific Expertise
S. Benzekry is expert within the scientific board of the national multi-thematic institute (ITMO) Cancer of the French alliance for health sciences (AVIESAN).
A. Collin, Steering Committee Axe 5, Cancéropole Grand Sud Ouest
C. Poignard: Member of the INCA committee on pediatric cancer data structuration
O. Saut: expert in the "Single Cell" call at ITMO Cancer / Plan Cancer.
O. Saut: expert for the French Ministry of Research (for various programs including PHC and EGIDE programs).
Research Administration
S. Benzekry is a member of the local Inria commission of informatical tools users (CUMI)
Annabelle Collin, member of "conseil de Laboratoire", Institut Mathématique de Bordeaux.
Annabelle Collin, "chargée de mission parité", Institut Mathématique de Bordeaux.
Annabelle Collin, member of "commission ADT", Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.
Annabelle Collin, "chargée de mission Développement Durable et Responsabilité Sociétale", ENSEIRB-MATMECA.
Annabelle Collin, elected member of "comité de centre", Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest.
Clair Poignard, member of "conseil scientifique", Institut Mathématique de Bordeaux.
Olivier Saut: member of the steering committee of ITMO consortium HTE (on tumor heterogeneity) and coordinator of work package Model and Data.
Olivier Saut: member of the steering committee of Labex TRAIL (Translational Imaging)
Olivier Saut: in charge of "Interdisciplinarité" at Institut de Mathématiques du CNRS
Olivier Saut: member of the steering committee of the MITI at CNRS
Olivier Saut: member of the steering committee of the Oncosphere Project