MONC - 2019

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : S. Benzekry, Cours "Modélisation de la croissance tumorale", 3h, niveau M2, Université de Tours, France.

  • Master : S. Benzekry, Cours "Mathematical tools for pharmacometrics", 10h, niveau M2, Aix-Marseille Université, France.

  • Master : S. Benzekry, TP "Introduction to Monolix", 2 x 3h, EUR "Modeling Life Sciences" (Université de Bordeaux) and DESU “Pharmacokinetics modeling" (Aix-Marseille Université), France.

  • Master: A. Collin, Pratical C++ programming, 96h, niveau M1, INP Bordeaux, France.

  • Master: A. Collin, Mesh theory, 36h, niveau M2, INP Bordeaux, France.

  • Master: A. Collin, Machine Learning, niveau M2, INP Bordeaux, France.

  • PHD: A. Collin, Modeling Life Science Module, Digital Public Health, Graduate Program.

  • Licence : C. Poignard, Undergraduate teaching in Numerical and Applied Mathematics, 80h, L3-M1, INP Bordeaux, ENSAM, France.

  • Master: O. Saut, Mathematical modeling in Oncology, 2h, niveau M2, Univ. Bordeaux, France.


  • PhD: C. Nicolò, Mathematical modeling of systemic aspects of cancer and cancer therapy, 2016 - 2019, supervision S. Benzekry and O. Saut. Defended October 14th, 2019.

  • PhD in progress: C. Vaghi, Improving intra-tumor drug distribution of anti-cancer nanoparticles by data-informed mathematical modeling, Nov 2017 - Nov 2020, supervision S. Benzekry and C. Poignard.

  • PhD in progress: Sergio Corridore, 2016-..., supervision A. Collin and C. Poignard

  • PhD in progress: Pedro Jaramillo-Aguayo, 2019-..., supervision A. Collin and C. Poignard

  • PhD: C. Perier, Analyse quantitative des données de routine clinique pour le pronostic précoce en oncologie, 2016-2019, supervision B. Denis de Senneville and O. Saut. Defended November 14th, 2019.

  • PhD in progress: A. Crombé, 2017-..., supervision O. Saut


  • S. Benzekry: Reviewer of the PhD thesis of E. Kozlowska (University of Helsinki, Finland)

  • S. Benzekry: Reviewer of the PhD thesis of A. Alvarez-Arenas Alcami (Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain)

  • S. Benzekry: Reviewer of the PhD thesis of A-S Giaccobi (Université Picardie Jules Verne)

  • S. Benzekry: Reviewer of the PhD thesis of J Goya-Outi (Paris Saclay University)

  • A. Collin, Phd defense committee, Antoine Gérard, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Modèles numériques personnalisés de la fibrillation auriculaire, 10 juillet 2019

  • A. Collin, Phd defense committee, Thibaut Hirschler, INSA Lyon, IsoGeometric Modeling for the Optimal Design of Aerostructures, 13 nov. 2019

  • A. Collin, Jury member, agrégation de Mathématiques

  • O. Saut: Reviewer of the HdR thesis of A. Decoene, Univ. Paris Sud, France.

  • O. Saut: Reviewer of the PhD thesis of A. Perrillat-Mercerot, Univ. Poitiers, France.

  • O. Saut: PhD defense committee, A. Hocquelet, Univ. Bordeaux, France

  • O. Saut: PhD defense committee, G. Birindelli, Univ. Bordeaux, France