Section: New Results
Generation of patient-specific cardiac vascular networks: a hybrid image-based and synthetic geometric model
Participant: Hugues Talbot (Collaboration: Clara Jaquet, Laurent Najman, ESIEE Paris, Leo Grady, Michiel Schaap, Buzzy Spain, Hyun Kim, Charles Taylor, HeartFlow Inc, Irene Vignon-Clementel, Inria Paris)
In this work, we have proposed a blood-vessel generation procedure for extending known patient vasculature over and within the heart ventricle [19]. It is patient-specific, in the sense that it extend the known, segmented patient vasculature, and it is consistent with physics-based blood vessels characteristics (i.e. derived from CFD) and known vessel physiology. The generated vascular network bridges the gap between the vasculature that can be imaged and assessed via classical means (CT or MRI) and perfusion maps that can be imaged with specific modalities (radiotracer injected scintigraphy or PET). One objective of this work is to eventually propose a forward model for perfusion map generation, that can be used to solved the associated inverse problem of finding the cause of observed perfusion deficits associated with coronary diseases that cannot be imaged directly.