Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives


Participants : Damien Hardy, Erven Rohou.

  • Title: SECODE – Secure Codes to Thwart Cyber-Physical Attacks


  • Duration: January 2016 – December 2019 (one year extension)

  • Coordinator: Télécom Paris Tech (France)

  • Partners:

    • Télécom Paris Tech (France)

    • Inria (France)

    • Université Paris 8 (France)

    • Sabancı Üniversitesi (Turkey)

    • Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)

  • Inria contact: Erven Rohou

  • In this project, we specify and design error correction codes suitable for an efficient protection of sensitive information in the context of Internet of Things (IoT) and connected objects. Such codes mitigate passive attacks, like memory disclosure, and active attacks, like stack smashing. The innovation of this project is to leverage these codes for protecting against both cyber and physical attacks. The main advantage is a full coverage of attacks of the connected embedded systems, which is considered as a smart connected device and also a physical device. The outcome of the project is first a method to generate and execute cyber-resilient software, and second to protect data and its manipulation from physical threats like side-channel attacks.

Informal International Partners

Caroline Collange has collaborated with Marcos Yukio Siraichi, Vinicius Fernandes dos Santos and Fernando Magno Quintão Pereira from UFMG, Brazil [31].

Isabelle Puaut has collaborated with Renato Mancuso (University of Boston, USA) and Heechul Yun (University of Kansas, USA) on predictable memory hierarchies [26]. She has collaborated with Martin Schoeberl (Technical University of Denmark) on predictable branch predictors [29].

Erven Rohou has been collaborating with Prof. Ahmed El-Mahdy (Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt) and his group [21], [22].

Erven Rohou and Loïc Besnard have been collaborating with Prof. João Cardoso (University of Porto, Porto, Portugal) and his group [16].