Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

Caroline Collange is a member of the committee of the Gilles Kahn PhD prize of Société Informatique de France.

Articles and contents

  • Erven Rohou gave an interview in the Émergences magazine on (volume 56, Mar 22nd 2019) on automatically masking sensitive information to protect against side-channel attacks.


Nicolas Bellec and Isabelle Puaut taught Basics of computer architecture, a training of high school teachers as part of the opening of the new computer science option in the two final years before Baccalauréat, 10 hours.

Erven Rohou was invited to present the life of a researcher in computer science to middle school students (Collège de Cesson-Sévigné)


Erven Rohou was present at the International Cybersecurity Forum in Lille (FIC https://www.forum-fic.com/en/home.htm). He presented a demo on compiler-generated countermeasures against side-channel attacks, developed within the context of the CHIST-ERA SECODE project.

Internal action

Erven Rohou presented the activities of PACAP at the SecDays event organized at Inria Rennes and IRISA.