Section: Dissemination
Florence Besse was member of a recruitment committee (MCU position, section 69, position 214), member of a PhD defense committee (Paris XI University). She was co-organizer of the 2nd joint meeting of the French and British societies of developmental biology.
Laure Blanc-Féraud is director of the French national Research group GDR ISIS (more than 120 laboratories and 20 industrial partners). She is a member of the IEEE BISP committee. Member of scientific councils of the Institutes INS2I and INSIS of CNRS. Member of scientific councils of the Institutes INS2I and INSIS of CNRS Member of AERES committees for laboratory expertises (XLIM 2011). She is a permanent member of the Organizing Committee of the Gretsi Peyresq annual Summer School. She is part of the Administrative Council of Gretsi, and is a member of its board. She is vice-team leader of EPI Ariana (I3S/INRIA), and from September team MORPHEME. She is Member of INRIA Sophia Antipolis comité des projets and member of its board. She is part of the CNECA 3. She was member of four PhD defense commitees and two HDR defense committees. She organized one scientific day in November in Rennes on biological imaging jointly with GDR microscopie fonctionnelle du vivant.
Xavier Descombes is associate editor of Digital Signal Processing. He has been elected at the BISP (Biomedical Image and Sipgnal Processing) committee. He is a member of the scientific committee of the `Pôle de compétitivité Optitec', and a member of the strategic committee of PopSud. He was computer systems coordinator for the Ariana project untill August. He is PI of a PEP II project, in collaboration with, IBDC, IMFT and CerCo. He is PI of the ARC DADA, in collaboration with Serpico team (INRIA Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique).
Koray Kayabol is an Associate Editor of Digital Signal Processing.
Florent Lafarge is a member of the comité de Suivi Doctoral (CSD) of INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée.
Josiane Zerubia is an IEEE Fellow. She was publicity chair of IEEE ICIP'11 in Brussels [ ] which is supported by INRIA and co-member of the organizing committee of ERCIM MUSCLE workshop in Pisa [ ] which is supported by INRIA. She is a member of the Biological Image and Signal Processing Technical Committee and of the Image, Video and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. She is an Associate Editor of the collection `Foundation and Trends in Signal Processing' [ ]. She is a member of the Editorial Boards of IJCV, the Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection of SFPT and the journal `Traitement du Signal'. She is an Associate Editor of the electronic journal Earthzine [ ]. She was a member of the CERT Committee, as one of 30 experts nominated by the Director of the French Space Agency (CNES) to evaluate the future research and development of CNES. She is principal investigator for the ANR DIAMOND, she is a deputy of Frederic Alexandre at the Executive Committee of LIRA Consortium (Philips), and a PI of an INRIA/DIBE/ISA project. She is a member of the ORFEO group (CNES). She is a consultant for Galderma R & D in Sophia Antipolis. Finally, she is a member of the new program committee of master 2 in computational biology and biomedicine at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis in charge of sponsoring.