Section: Dissemination
Saima Ben Hadj has done 64h of teaching service on C programming and data base management system at the computer science department at Nice-Sophia Antipolis University.
Florence Besse supervised a master Student (M1 ; 6 months) and a third year Student (L3 ; 6 weeks).
Laure Blanc-Féraud was teaching professor at the international master on Computational Biology and Medecine (12h CM) at the Engineer school EPU Sophia Antipolis (8h CM), and at Master IMEA, departement of Mathematics (8h CM and 8h TD).
Mikael Carlavan was teaching assistant for `Traitement Numérique des Images' (16h), `Applications' (16h), `Compression' (8h) and `Traitement Numérique du Signal' (18h) at Poly'Tech Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
Xavier Descombes taught `Image analysis' (10h) at Poly'Tech Nice-Sophia, and `Image processing' and `Advanced techniques in space imagery' (20h) at ISAE/SUPAERO and `Marked Point Process in Image Analysis' (3h) at ENS Lyon.
Florent Lafarge taught Image analysis at Poly'Tech Nice-Sophia (6h) and at ENS Lyon (3h).
Josiane Zerubia was director of the module `Deconvolution and denoising in confocal microscopy' for the Masters 2 course BioComp at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (24h of which 12 taught). She was director of the course `Advanced techniques for space imagery' at ISAE/SUPAERO (40h, of which 20h taught). She taught the module 1 “Introduction to image processing” for master 1 students from ENS Lyon at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (12h, of which 3h taught).
Jia Zhou teaches mathematics (60h) at IUT Montpellier.