Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

  • Collaboration with Professors Emilia Fridman (Tel Aviv University) and Joao Manoel Gomes da Silva (UFRGS, Porto Allegre, Brasil) on time-delay systems.

  • Collaboration with Professor Hong Sun (Whuan University, China) for co-supervising the PhD thesis of Lei Yu on Compressive sensing.

  • Collaborations with Professor Guiseppe Fedele from University of Calabria, Italy, on "Model-free control".

  • Programme Hubert Curien GALILEE for scientific exchange between LAGIS and University of Cagliari, Italy;

  • Programme Hubert Curien VOLUBILIS (Maroc, Integrated Action MA/09/211) between LAGIS (Université Lille1), Non-A/INRIA and Laboratory of Electronic, Information and Biotechnology of Department of Science at University Moulay Ismail of Meknès;

  • Programme Hubert Curien COGITO for scientific exchange between University of Reims Champagne Ardenne, Non-A and University of Zagreb.