Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Editorial boards
Jean-Pierre Richard is currently Associate Editor of Int. J. of Systems Science.
Mamadou Mboup is currently Managing Editor of African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics and Associate Editor of EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing.
Thierry Floquet is currently Associate Editor of Nonlinear Analysis : Hybrid Systems and e-sta.
Program Committees
IFAC Technical Committees: The members of Non-A are participating to several technical committees of the IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control, see the TC list on ): TC 1.3 - Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems, TC 1.5 Networked Systems, TC 2.2 Linear Control Systems, TC 2.3 Nonlinear Control Systems, TC 2.5 Robust Control.
Jean-Pierre Richard was in the International Program Committee of several IEEE and IFAC conferences: IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2011; IEEE SmArt COmmunications & Network technologies applied on Autonomous Systems, 2011; IEEE International Symposium on Programming and Systems, 2011; IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2011; Journées Doctorales Modélisation Analyse et Conduite des Systèmes dynamiques, 2011; Journées Identification Modélisation Expérimentale, 2011;
Cédric Joint was in committee of Conférence Méditerranéenne sur l'Ingénierie sûre des Systèmes complexes, 2011;
Lotfi Belkoura was in committee of Journées Identification Modélisation Expérimentale, 2011;
Gang Zheng was in committee of IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, 2011;
Mamadou Mboup was in the Program committee of IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing 2011;
Jean-Pierre Barobt was in evaluation committee of PES-(61 section of CNU).
Scientific and administrative responsibilities
Jean-Pierre Richard is president of the GRAISyHM, federation from the French government. He is an expert for the evaluation of projects submitted to ANR, CNRS, DGRI and AERES, and heading the 3rd year professional training "Research" of the École Centrale de Lille;
Wilfrid Perruquetti is the scientific head of ANR program Blanc SIMI3, and is heading the 3rd year professional training "ISD: Information System and Decision" of the École Centrale de Lille; He is an expert for ANR, AERES and ARC (Australian Research Council);
Mamadou Mboup is heading the group SYSCOM - CReSTIC, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne;
Lotfi Belkoura is heading the Master "AG2i: Automatique, Génie Informatique et Image", University of Lille 1 and École Centrale de Lille. This Master, after a national evaluation (A), is presently "SMaRT: Systèmes, Machines autonomes et Réseaux de Terrain";
Thierry Floquet is an expert for the evaluation of projects submitted to ANR and Israel Science Foundation, and a member of Conseil National des Universités, 61ème Section. He is as well the head of the groupe SyNeR of LAGIS laboratory;
Cédric Join is heading the AII-ASRI, IUT Nancy-Brabois;
The team members are also involved in numerous examination committees of theses and Habilitations, in France and abroad.
Emilia Fridman, Professor of Tel Aviv University, Israel, June 2011, supported by École Centrale de Lille;
Marc Bodson, Professor of University of Utah, USA, June 2011, supported by École Centrale de Lille;
Benachir Bouchikhi, Professor of University Moulay Ismail of Meknès, supported by “Partenariat Hubert Curien Volubilis";
Hisaya Fujioka, Associate Professor of Kyoto University, September 2011, supported by Kyoto University.
Participation to conferences
IFAC World Congress, 2011, Italy (Jean-Pierre Richard, Jean-Pierre Barbot, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Mamadou Mboup, Gang Zheng, Denis Efimov, Samer Riachy);
International Workshop in honour of Prof. Giorgio Bartolini Retirement, 2011, Italy (Wilfrid Perruquetti, Jean-Pierre Barobt);
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2011, USA (Wilfrid Perruquetti, Jean-Pierre Barbot);
IEEE Chinese Conference on Control and Decision, 2011, China (Gang Zheng);
Journées Nationales de la Recherche en Robotique, 2011, France (Wilfrid Perruquetti);
Summer School on Robotics and Automation, 2011, Alger (Wilfrid Perruquetti);
Conférence Méditerranéenne sur l'Ingénierie sûre des Systèmes complexes, 2011, Maroc (Cédric Join);
Summer school on Automatic control, 2011, Romania (Lotfi BelKoura);
Journée d'Identification et de Modélisation Expérimentale, 2011, France (Lotfi Belkoura);
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, 2011, China (Mamadou Mboup);
Colloque on Signal and Image Processing, 2011, France (Mamadou Mboup).
The members of Non-A are reviewers for most of the journal of the control and signal communities: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Systems and Control Technologies, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Automatica, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Journal of Computation and Applied Mathematics, Systems & Control Letters, International Journal of Control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, International Journal of Systems Science, Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, IET Control Theory & Applications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, Journal of the Franklin Institute, ...