Section: Dissemination


The members of the team teach at different level in universities and engineering schools and, in particular, at Master Thesis level:

Table 2.
NameCourse titleLevelInstitution
BarbotProcess ControlMasterUniv. Tlemcen, Algeria
GibaruApplied MathematicsMasterUSTL-UVHC-ULCO
MboupAdvanced Signal ProcessingMasterUniv.Paris 5, ENIT-Tunis
PerruquettiNonlinear controlMasterEC Lille
PerruquettiRoboticsMaster AG2iEC Lille - USTL
RichardMathematical tools for nonlinear systemsMaster AG2iEC Lille - USTL
RichardDynamical systemsResearch trainingEC Lille
BelkouraAn introduction to distributionsMaster AG2iEC Lille - USTL
  • Jean-Pierre Richard is in charge of the professional training "Research" of Ecole Centrale de Lille since 2003 (training for last-year students of EC Lille who are preparing a research career). (http://www.ec-lille.fr/85787934/0/fiche___pagelibre/ ).

  • Wilfrid Perruquetti is in charge of the professional training "ISD: Information System and Decision" of Ecole Centrale de Lille since 2010 (http://www.ec-lille.fr/syst_auto/0/fiche___formation/ ).

  • Lotfi Belkoura is in charge of the SMART Master Thesis training in control of University of Lille 1 and Ecole Centrale de Lille.

  • Jean-Pierre Barbot is in charge of the Master Thesis training in control of the University of Tlemcen, Algeria.