Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries



Teaching at University of Bordeaux I:

  • Master: Jérémy Laviole, Réalité Virtuelle immersive, Projet Étude et Développement, Master 2, University of Bordeaux I, France

  • Bachelor: Jérémy Frey, supervision of 3 programming projects during "semestre rebondir", 30h, 1st year, University of Bordeaux 1, France

  • Bachelor: Jérémy Frey, réseau et projet de programmation 2, 35h, 3rd year, University of Bordeaux 1, France


Teaching at University of Bordeaux II:

  • Master: Martin Hachet, Réalité Virtuelle, 24h eqtd, M2 Sciences Cognitives, Université Bordeaux Segalen, France

  • Master: Fabien Lotte, Réalité Virtuelle, 12h eqtd, M2 Sciences Cognitives, Université Bordeaux Segalen, France

  • Bachelor: Camille Jeunet, Knowledge and Representations, 18h, 3rd Year, Cognitive Sciences, Université Bordeaux Segalen, France


Teaching at Enseirb-Matmeca:

  • Master: Martin Hachet, Réalité Virtuelle, 12h eqtd, 3rd Year, Enseirb-Matmeca, IPB, France

  • Master: Fabien Lotte, Réalité Virtuelle, 2h eqtd, 3rd Year, Enseirb-Matmeca, IPB, France

  • Master: Jérémy Laviole, Virtual Reality, 9h, 3rd Year, Enseirb-Matmeca, France

  • Master: Jérémy Laviole, Object Tracking Project, 8h, 3rd Year, Enseirb-Matmeca, France

  • Bachelor: Renaud Gervais, Medias numeriques, 4h, Enseirb-Matmeca, France


Other teaching activities:

  • Master: Jérémy Laviole, Augmented Reality Course + TP, 16h, 3rd Year, ENJMIN, France


  • PhD: Jérémy Laviole, "Interaction en Réalité Augmentée Spatiale pour le Dessin Physique", Université Bordeaux 1, Defended December 5th, 2013, Martin Hachet

  • PhD in progress: Renaud Gervais, "Organic User Interfaces", started December 1st, 2012, Martin Hachet

  • PhD in progress: Jérémy Frey, "Assesing 3DUI with passive Brain-Computer Interfaces", started October 1st, 2012, Fabien Lotte and Martin Hachet

  • PhD in progress: Camille Jeunet, "Human Learning for Brain-Computer Interfaces", started October 1st, 2013, Fabien Lotte, Martin Hachet, Bernard N'kaoua and Sriram Subramanian.

  • Master 2: Camille Jeunet, Master 2 from University of Bordeaux 2, affective BCI, February-June 2013 (C. Mühl, F. Lotte)

  • Engineer (Master 2): Pierre-Marie Plans, Enseirb-Matmeca 3rd year, Collaborative virtual reality, February-June 2013 (M. Hachet)

  • Master 1: Leonard Pommereau, Master 1 from University of Bordeaux 2, EEG and stereoscopy, April-June 2013 (F. Lotte, M. Hachet)


  • PhD Jury: Prashant Arvind-Pala, Université Bordeaux Segalen, 18 Dec. 2013 (M. Hachet)

  • PhD Jury: Javier Mauricio Antelis, University of Zaragoza, Spain, June 2013 (F. Lotte)

  • PhD Jury: Mohit Kumar Goel, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, June 2013 (F. Lotte)

  • PhD Jury for half-PhD (after 1.5 year of PhD work): Raphaelle N. Roy, CEA-Leti/Gipsa-Lab, Grenoble, France (F. Lotte)

  • External PhD Review: Adam Westerski - Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (J. Jankowski)