Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Projects coordination by a member of Dracula
ANR (jeunes chercheurs) ProCell "Mathematical Methods for Erythropoiesis Modelling: from Proteins to Cell Populations", 2009-2014.
Participants : Samuel Bernard, Fabien Crauste [Coordinator] , Olivier Gandrillon, Thomas Lepoutre, Philippe Michel, Laurent Pujo-Menjouet, Vitaly Volpert.
ANR BIMOD "Hybrid models of cell populations. Application to cancer modelling and treatment", 2010-2014.
Participants : Mostafa Adimy, Fabien Crauste, Vitaly Volpert [Coordinator] .
ANR STOCHAGENE "Role of the chromatin dynamics on the stochasticity in gene expression in higher eukaryotic cells", 2011-2015.
Participant : Olivier Gandrillon [Coordinator] .
Collaboration in other projects
ANR RPIB PrediVac "Innovative modeling tools for the prediction of CD8 T cell based vaccine efficacy", 2013-2015. Partners: U1111 Inserm (J. Marvel, coordinator), Dracula, Altrabio (small company), CoSMo (small company). For Dracula, the budget from 2013 to 2015 is 198 keuros, including three one-year post-doc positions (one post-doc has been recruited in April 2014 (Xuefeng Gao)), and the members are Fabien Crauste and Olivier Gandrillon.
Thomas Lepoutre participates in the ANR (jeunes chercheurs) MODPOL (head Vincent Calvez (ENS Lyon)) "Cell polarization modeling", 2011-2015.
Thomas Lepoutre is a member of the ANR KIBORD (head L. Desvillettes) dedicated to "kinetic and related models in biology". 2012-2016.
Olivier Gandrillon participates in the ANR (Investissement d'Avenir) Iceberg (head Gregory Batt (Inria)) "From population models to model populations: single cell observation, modeling, and control of gene expression".
Other projects
Inria ADT : SiMuScale "Simulations Multi-Échelles de Populations Cellulaires", 2014-2016.
Participants : Samuel Bernard [Coordinator] , Fabien Crauste, David Parsons.
Association France Alzheimer Sciences Médicales 2014 : PAMELA "Prion et Alzheimer : Modélisation et Expérimentation d’une Liaison Agressive", 2014. Partners: UR0892 VIM (Virologie et Immunologie Moléculaires), INRA Domaine de Vilvert, Jouy-en-Josas.
Participants : Mostafa Adimy, Samuel Bernard, Thomas Lepoutre, Laurent Pujo-Menjouet [Coordinator] , Léon Tine.