Section: New Results
Ongoing integration of Polychrony with the P toolset
Participants : Christophe Junke, Loïc Besnard, Thierry Gautier, Paul Le Guernic, Jean-Pierre Talpin.
Current state of P. The FUI project P has been extended until September 2015. Partners in the project now focus on code generation aspects, leaving software architecture aspects aside. The qualifiable model-based code generator, previously known as P toolset, is now named QGen (QGen is developped mostly in Ada 2012 and Python).
Model transformation (P2S). We developped a transformation tool hereafter named P2S for expressing P system models as Signal processes. Our work is based on EMF (Eclipse Modelling Framework), taking advantage of the existing Ecore metamodels available for both P and SSME.
The P2S tool is written in Clojure, which is a dialect of Lisp running on the Java Virtual Machine. This approach allows to benefits from a terse and expressive language while remaining fully interoperable with existing Java libraries (including Eclipse plugins and especially Polychrony ones).
SSME abstraction layer.P2S uses an abstraction layer to simplify the creation of SSME elements, while taking into account EMF idioms. For example, the following expression creates a ProcessModel instance using the currently registered EMF factory:
(process "TestProcess"
:in '[boolean h integer x]
:out '[integer y]
:body (sigdef
(id 'y)
(when* (id 'x) (id 'h))))
The newly created object can be saved as an XMI file using EMF utilities (the XMI file is 40 lines long and not shown here). This object and its children represent the following Signal process expression (Even using the dedicated signalTreeAPI utility class, the same example would require many more lines of Java code.):
process TestProcess =
(? boolean h; integer x;
! integer y; )
(| y := (x when h) |);
Transformation to P. Conversion from P to Signal relies on Clojure's multimethods. We defined a convert multimethod which dispatches on the type of its argument and possibly on additional modifiers. This mechanism allows to convert expressions differently depending on whether we want to produce a Signal declaration or an expression. For example, the following method specializer converts a P port as a signal declaration:
(defmethod convert [Port :declaration] [port & _]
(convert (.getDataType port))
[(readable-name port :declaration) :post]
(ssme/id (p-name port)))))
Since the specializer contains the :declaration keyword, the previous conversion is applied only when called with that keyword given as an extra argument, as follows:
(convert some-port :declaration)
The more general specializer, which is defined below, is meant to be used inside Signal expressions and, as such, only returns a Signal identifier:
(defmethod convert Port [port]
(ssme/id (p-name port)))
Note also that thanks to class inheritance, the above methods are sufficient to convert all kind of P ports (input/output, data/control).
The naming scheme for the resulting SSME elements is handled by the p-name multi-method and relies on XMI identifiers of the original P elements: XMI identifiers generated by QGen are string representations of positive integers. Moreover, those identifiers are guaranteed to be unique in a model. These two properties allows to generate valid Signal identifiers while ensuring traceability (e.g. signal P101 links to the unique port of the original model having 101 as a unique identifier).
Datatypes are currently converted as Signal predefineds types, which do not always match exactly the original types. Another partially implemented option consists in translating them as external types in Signal. Some types, like arrays, are converted the same way with both approaches:
(defmethod convert TArray [a]
(reduce (fn [base dim]
(ssme/array-type base (convert dim :signal)))
(convert (.getBaseType a))
(.getDimensions a)))
Conversion of arithmetic operations may also lead to predefined Signal operators (by default) or externally defined functions (incomplete). The current approach has been tested on QGen's test models and successfully translates 208 of the 227 models.
Partial block sequencing. The conversion from P models to Signal takes into account block dependencies as computed by QGen. Unfortunately, QGen's block sequencer produces a total order between blocks, with leads to over-constrained Signal models. We contributed to the model compiler by writing an alternative (Ada) package which provides: (i) a way to parameterize block sequencing, and (ii) partial ordering options.
Our implementation is not part of the qualified compiler, but available as a standalone (non-qualifiable) executable. However, during the development of this block sequencer, we were able to find and correct existing bugs in QGen's sequencer.
Perspectives. From a software development point of view, our current work needs to be packaged and better integrated with the build system of Polychrony. By the way, that existing build process itself could be slightly improved by using Maven configuration files instead of Eclipse manual plug-in management.
The use of a functional language on top of the Java Virtual Machine is an interesting aspect of our work. By allowing the abstraction layer, which currently works at the SSME level, to also access the existing Signal library, we could provide an API for writing and compiling Signal code using a domain-specific language expressed in Clojure (there already exist JNI bindings with the native library). This feature could help developpers hook into, or interact with, the existing Signal compiler in order to customize parts of the code generation strategies.
Regarding the P project, we still need to test code distribution strategies on industrial use-cases and determine how it can be exploited at the system-model level.