Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committees
Member [RM] of the steering committee of the Special Interest Group “Turbulence Modelling” (SIG-15) of ERCOFTAC (European Research COmmittee for Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) that organizes a series of international workshops dedicated to cross-comparisons of the results of turbulence models and experimental/DNS databases.
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
Member [RM] of the scientific committee of the Intl Symp. Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015
This year, the team members have reviewed (12) contributions to the following conferences:
ECOS 2015 (Pau, France) (1) [PB] ASME GT Turbo Expo 2015 (Montréal, Canada) (2) [PB] ASME-GT Turbo Expo 2016 (Séoul, South Korea) (2) [PB] THMT-2015 (Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina) (5) [RM] NURETH (The Haag, The Netherlands) (2) [RM]
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
This year, the team members have reviewed (29) papers for the following journals:
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (1)[YM]
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (1) [PB]
Invited talks
“A brief overview of Inria Cagire team activity”, CTA/ITA/IAE, Sao José dos Campos, Brazil, 26 November 2015. [PB]
Scientific expertise
Research administration
V. Perrier is a member of the evaluation committee, which is in charge of assessing the calibre of research conducted at Inria and guaranteeing the quality of its hiring and internal promotions.
V. Perrier participated to the hiring committees for Young Graduate Scientists (CR2) in Inria Bordeaux and Inria Saclay. He participated also to the hiring committee for an assistant professor in Pau.
V. Perrier is member of the health, safety and working conditions comittee, in charge of watching the prevention in the Bordeaux Sud Ouest center.
V. Perrier is appointed member of the Scientific Applications committee of Pau University in charge of developing the scientific computing and high performance computing policy within Pau University.
V. Perrier is an elected member of the Mathematics and Application experts committee in Pau university, in charge of hiring the non permanent teachers, of forming the hiring comittees for assistant professors, and of ranking the proposition of invited professors. He was elected vice-chair of this comittee in 2015.
V. Perrier is the scientific responsible for the website of the Mathematics department in Pau.