Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : [RM], Turbulence Modelling, 28h, École centrale de Lille/ENSI Poitiers/ISAE-ENSMA, Poitiers, France.

  • Engineering School: [RM] Industrial codes for CFD, 12h, ISAE-ENSMA, Poitiers, France.

  • Master : [PB] “Fluid mechanics: Mach zero flows vs low Mach number flows”, 30h, M2, Al Faraby University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

  • Master : [PB], "An introduction to the numerical simulation of reacting flows", 15h, M2, ISAE-SupAéro, Toulouse, France.

  • Licence : [JJ], "Sequences and functions of one variable", 48h45, L1 - Geo-sciences, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France.

  • Licence : [JJ], "Mathematics for the geo-sciences 2", 19h30, L2 - Chemistry, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France.

  • Licence : [JJ], "Sequences and series", 19h30, L2 - MIASHS, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France.


  • PhD : Simon Delmas, Simulation numérique directe d'un jet en écoulement transverse à bas nombre de Mach en vue de l’amélioration du refroidissement par effusion des chambres de combustion aéronautiques, 16 December 2015, Sup.:[PB] and Co-sup.: [VP].

  • PhD in progress: Jean-François Wald, Modélisation de la turbulence avec traitement adaptatif des parois prenant en compte la thermique active ou passive, started October 2013, Sup.: [RM]

  • PhD in progress : Nurtoleu Shakhan, Modelling and simulation of supersonic jet in crossflow, University of Almaty (Kazakhstan), started October 2013, Sup.:A. Naïmanova and Co-Sup.:[PB] (the thesis subject has been modified mid-2014).

  • Young Engineer: Benjamin Lux, Implementation of h-p multigrid in Aerosol, Sup.: [VP]


The participation in the following thesis juries is noted ("referee" in a French doctoral thesis jury is more or less equivalent to an external opponent in an Anglo-Saxon like PhD jury):

  • PhD : G. Sempionato "Numerical study of premixed stratified flame using the b-theta flame wrinkling model with extinction limit", National Institute of Aerospace Research (INPE), Sao José dos Campos, Brazil, 25 november 2015, Sup.: W.M.C. Dourado. [PB]

  • PhD : D. Lahbib « Modélisation aérodynamique et thermique des multiperforations en LES », University of Montpellier-2, France, 17 December 2015. Supervisor and co-supervisor: F. Nicoud and A. Dauptain.[PB, referee]

  • PhD : A. Ghani « Simulation aux grandes échelles des instabilités de combustion transverses pour des flammes parfaitement prémélangées et swirlées diphasiques ». University of Toulouse, France, 17 September 2015. Supervisor: L. Gicquel. [PB]

  • PhD : C. Koupper “Unsteady multi-component simulations dedicated to the impact of the combustion chamber on the turbine of aeronautical gas turbines”, Université de Toulouse, France, 11 May 2015 (Rapporteur). Supervisor and co-supervisor: L. Gicquel and P. Duchaine. [PB, referee]

  • PhD : N. Petrova “Turbulence-chemistry interaction models for numerical simulation of aeronautical propulsion systems”, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 16 January 2015. Supervisor: V.A. Sabel’nikov. [PB, referee]