Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
Member of the organizing committees
Workshop organizer Interco3D (workshop on 3D Interaction & Cognition), ACM IHM conference, Toulouse, October 2015 (Anke Brock & Fabien Lotte)
Doctoral Consortium, ACM IHM conference, Toulouse, October 2015 (Anke Brock)
Panel Chair, ACM womENcourage conference, Uppsala, Sweden, September 2015 (Anke Brock)
Workshop Organizer "Accessible Interaction for Visually Impaired People", MUC'15, Stuttgart, Germany, September 2015 (Anke Brock)
Workshop co-organizer "Affective Brain-Computer Interface", ACII 2015, Xi'an, China (Fabien Lotte)
Special session on “Robust EEG signal processing towards practical BCI design” at EUSIPCO 2015, Nice, France (Fabien Lotte)
Special session on "user training" in the BCI workshop at the SMC2015 conference, Hong Kong, October 2015 (Fabien Lotte & Camille Jeunet)
4th Sino-French Workshop on Virtual Reality Co-organizer, Xi'an, August 2015 (Pascal Guitton)
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
Augmented Humans 2016: Program Committee Member (Fabien Lotte)
IEEE SMC 2015: Program Committee Member (Fabien Lotte, Camille Jeunet)
International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interfaces: Program Committee Member (Fabien Lotte)
Journées scientifiques Inria 2015 : Program Commitee Member (Pascal Guitton)
Member of the editorial boards
Review Editor for Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Martin Hachet)
Review Editor for Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics (Fabien Lotte)
Review Editor for Frontiers in Human-Media Interaction (Fabien Lotte)
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing (Fabien Lotte)
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (Fabien Lotte, Camille Jeunet)
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (Fabien Lotte)
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics (Fabien Lotte)
Invited talks
"Towards Improved BCI based on Human Learning Principles", 3rd International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interfaces, South Korea, January 2015 (Fabien Lotte)
"Human Learning-based Brain-Computer Interface Design", University of Freiburg, Brain Links/Brain Tools excellence cluster, Germany, January 2015 (Fabien Lotte)
“Interactions tangibles et réalités augmentées au service de l’éducation", Journées scientifiques Inria, Nancy, June 2015 (Martin Hachet)
"Brain-Computer Interaction research at Potioc team », “Handicap & Système Nerveux” laboratory, The University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, June 2015 (Fabien Lotte, Camille Jeunet, Jérémy Frey)
“Towards practical BCI Technologies”, RIKEN BSI, Japan, July 2015 (Fabien Lotte)
“Robust EEG signals classification towards practical Brain-Computer Interface technologies”, Sugiyama Laboratory, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, July 2015 (Fabien Lotte)
“Towards practical BCI Technologies”, Cinet, Osaka, Japan, July 2015 (Fabien Lotte)
“Popular Interaction” and "Interacting with spatial information", EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2015 (Martin Hachet & Anke Brock)
“Popular Interaction”, Dassault Systèmes, Campus 3DS - Paris, September 2015 (Martin Hachet)
“Towards practical EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface Technologies”, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, October 2015 (Fabien Lotte)
"Interacting with spatial information", DFKI Saarbruecken, Germany, November 2015 (Anke Brock)
"Improving BCI-user training: Towards a new generation of reliable, efficient and accessible brain-computer interfaces", Donders Discussions, Netherlands, November 2015 (Camille Jeunet)
Leadership within the scientific community
Scientific expertise
Review of two research projects for the Research Foundation Flanders (Anke Brock)
Review of one research project for HES-SO (Switzerland) (Pascal Guitton)