Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence : Julia Chatain, Algorithms and programmation, TP, 32h eqtd, First year (L1), IUT de Bordeaux, France
Licence : Jérémy Frey, Programming, CM-TD, 30h eqtd, L1 Computer Science, University of Bordeaux, France
Licence : Damien Clergeaud, Functional and Symbolic Programming, TP, 32h eqtd, L3 Computer Science, University of Bordeaux, France
Master : Jérémy Frey, Programming projects, TD, 32h eqtd, M1 Computer Science, University of Bordeaux, France
Master : Pascal Guitton, Virtual and Augmented Realities, CM, 36h eqtd, M2 Computer Science, University of Bordeaux, France
Master : Pascal Guitton, Digital accessibility, CM, 12h eqtd, M1 Cognitive Science, University of Bordeaux, France
Master : Pascal Guitton, Assistive technologies, CM, 30h eqtd, M2 Cognitive Science, University of Bordeaux, France
Master : Anke Brock, Virtual Reality and 3D Interaction, CM, 7,5h eqtd, M2 Cognitive Science, University of Bordeaux, France
Master : Martin Hachet, Virtual Reality and 3D Interaction, CM, 12h eqtd, M2 Cognitive Science, University of Bordeaux, France
Master : Fabien Lotte, Virtual Reality and 3D Interaction, CM, 4h eqtd, M2 Cognitive Science, University of Bordeaux, France
Master : Anke Brock, Handicap, Autonomy & Technology, TP, 4h eqtd, M2 Cognitive Science, University of Bordeaux, France
Master : Anke Brock, Video Games and Interaction, CM-TD, 12h eqtd, 3rd year (M2), Enseirb, Bordeaux, France
Master : Martin Hachet, Video Games and Interaction, CM-TD, 8h eqtd, 3rd year (M2), Enseirb, Bordeaux, France
Master: Fabien Lotte, Virtual Reality, Accesibility and Brain-Computer Interfaces, 4h eqtd, 3rd year (M2), ENSSAT, Lannion, France
Master: Fabien Lotte, Brain Computer Interfaces, 6h eqtd, 3rd year (M2), ESIEA, Laval, France
Master : Anke Brock, Human-Computer Interaction, CM-TD, 12h eqtd, M2 Intelligent Systems and Robotics (M2SIR), University Toulouse, France
PhD : Jérémy Frey, Leveraging human-computer interactions and social presence with physiological computing, Université de Bordeaux,defended 8/12/2015, (Martin Hachet & Fabien Lotte)
PhD : Renaud Gervais, Interaction and Introspection with Tangible Augmented Objects, Université de Bordeaux, defended 9/12/2015, (Martin Hachet)
Julia Chatain (PhD Student in Computer Science, University of Bordeaux), "Design and evaluation of augmented geographic maps", since September 2015 (Anke Brock & Martin Hachet)
Damien Clergeaud (PhD Student in Computer Science, University of Bordeaux), "Collaborative interaction for aerospace scenarios", since November 2014 (Pascal Guitton)
Camille Jeunet (PhD Student in Cognitive Science, University of Bordeaux), "“Improving User training approaches for Brain-Computer Interface", since October 2013 (Martin Hachet, Fabien Lotte, co-supervision with Bernard N'Kaoua, University of Bordeaux and Sriram Subramanian, University of Sussex)
Stephanie Lees (PhD student in Computer Science, Ulster University, UK): “Assessing and Optimising Human-Machine Symbiosis through Neural signals for Big Data Analytics”, since February 2014 (Fabien Lotte, co-supervision with Damien Coyle, Paul McCullagh and Liam Maguire, Ulster University)
Lorraine Perronnet (PhD student in Computer Science, Rennes University): “Neurofeedback and Brain Rehabilitation based on EEG and fMRI”, since January 2014 (Fabien Lotte, co-supervision with Anatole Lécuyer, Christian Barillot, Inria Rennes and Maureen Clerc, Inria Sophia Antipolis)
Joan Sol Roo (PhD Student in Computer Science, University of Bordeaux), "Interaction with Spatial Augmented Reality", since December 2014 (Martin Hachet)
Julia Chatain (Master Student in Computer Science, Polytechnique France & EPFL Switzerland), "SyMAPse: Augmented Interactive Maps for Subjective Expression", February to July 2015, (Anke Brock & Martin Hachet, co-supervised by D. Laval at Cap Sciences)
Pierre-Antoine Cinquin (M2 Cognitive Sciences, University of Bordeaux), "Digital accessibility for e-learning" (Pascal Guitton)
Maxime Daniel (M2 Computer Science, University of Bordeaux), "Create a virtual environment that could validate the use of electroencephalography as an evaluation tool for 3D interactions", January to June 2015 (Jérémy Frey, Fabien Lotte, co-supervision with Julien Castet at Immersion)
Adrien Dax (M2IHM, University Toulouse), "Design of Tangible Objects and InteractionTechniques for Visually Impaired Students", March to August 2015 (Anke Brock, co-supervision with C. Jouffrais, M. Macé & J. Ducasse at Irit Toulouse)
Marie Demangeat (M1 Cognitive Science, University Bordeaux), "Design and evaluation of interactive devices forthe museum", April to May 2015, (Anke Brock, Julia Chatain & Martin Hachet)
Maxime Duluc (last year in engineering school “Institut d'Optique Graduate School”), "Create an instrumented version of the tangible interface of electroencephalographic signals' visualization Teegi", January to June 2015 (Jérémy Frey)
Alexis Gay (M2 Design, University of Bordeaux Montaigne), "Design of Tobe, a tangible out-of-body experience", April to June 2015 (Jérémy Frey and Renaud Gervais)
Emilie Jahanpour (M1 Cognitive Sciences, University of Bordeaux), "Is it possible to predict BCI performance from the performance obtained at simple motor tasks? (Camille Jeunet, Fabien Lotte, co-supervision with Bernard N'Kaoua)
Houda Lamqaddam (M2IHM, University Toulouse), "Design of Innovative Interaction Techniques forInteractive Maps", March to August 2015 (Anke Brock, co-supervision with E. Dubois & M. Serrano at Irit Toulouse)
Charles Coeurderoy & Violaine Sudret (M2 Enseirb, Bordeaux), "GPS Narratif", Student Project, November 2015 to January 2016 (Julia Chatain & Anke Brock)
Paul Ecoffet, Florian Gouet, Elias Rhouzlane, Mathieu Seurin, “Detecting frustration during a training from physiological and neurophysiological markers" (Camille Jeunet & Fabien Lotte)
Ilias Ainseba, Théo Geral, Charles Gouverneur, “Les Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur : La technologie peut-elle compenser les défaillances du corps humain ? “, TPE 1ère S, 2015 (Camille Jeunet)
PhD (rapporteur): William Delamarre, Nov. 2015, Grenoble (Martin Hachet)
PhD (rapporteur): Jonhatan Mercier, Oct. 2015, Rennes (Martin Hachet)
PhD (rapporteur): Jean-Claude Morgère, April 2015, Lorient (Pascal Guitton)
PhD (examinateur): Paul-Antoine Arras, Feb. 2015, Bordeaux (Pascal Guitton)
PhD (examinateur): Remy Brouet, March 2015, Grenoble (Martin Hachet)
PhD (examinateur): Gautier Durantin, ISAE, Toulouse (Fabien Lotte)
HdR (examinateur): Julien Pettré, June 2015, Rennes (Pascal Guitton)
PhD (examinateur): Raphaëlle N. Roy, CEA, Grenoble (Fabien Lotte)
PhD qualification examen ("mi-thèse"): Tracy Brandmeyer, Toulouse (Fabien Lotte)