Section: New Results
Toward a portable tangible EEG interface
Participants : Maxime Duluc, Thibault Laine, Jérémy Frey, Renaud Gervais, Fabien Lotte, Martin Hachet.
Last year we presented Teegi , the first interface that combines electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings and tangible interaction in order to let novices learn about how their brain works. By displaying EEG activity in real time on a support that is easy to manipulate and to comprehend, Teegi is a good tool for scientific outreach, that raises public interest.
Yet, the gap between research projects and the field is not often bridged. While our past prototype used an external projector and a supplementary tracking device to display information onto the head of the puppet, over the course of the year we developed a semi-spherical display based on LEDs (see Figure 10 ). By embedding all the electronics into the puppet, Teegi will be easier to bring outside the laboratory. Thanks to these technological advances, real-life applications of the system are finally within reach.