Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits to International Teams

France-Stanford program

The Executive Committee of the France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies supported our collaboration (§7.1.1) with Prof. Jessica Rose (Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Stanford University). As part of the collaboration, Professor Rose presented a keynote lecture on Artificial Walking Technologies for Neuromuscular stimulation-assisted Gait for children with cerebral palsy at the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) conference hosted by CAMIN. In July, a Benoît Sijobert spent 2 weeks in July 2016 to setup the experiment and Christine Azevedo Coste 1 week to run experiments.

Asgard program

From may 5 to may 13, François Bonnetblanc visited The Endestad Brain Imaging Group, the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Akershus universitetssykehus HF, Sunnaas Sykehus HF, UiO Department of Psychology, and the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences in Norway thanks to the Asgard programme. (http://www.france.no/if/oslo/cooperation/sciences/programmes-sciences/asgard/)

A shared project about the closed-loop stimulation of urinal control of pigs has been proposed with the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences in the framework of Aurora (followup of Adgard).

Research Stays Abroad

Christine Azevedo Coste spent 2,5 months (November 2015-February 2016) at Brasilia University as an invited researcher in collaboration within Emerson FACHIN-MARTINS responsible of the NTAAI (Nucléo de Tecnologia Assistiva, Acessibilidade e Inovacão) initiative.

Brazilian program: Science without borders (Ciencías sem fronteiras) CAPES. She spent 10 days in May 2016 together with Charles FATTAL to perform experiments.

Mitsuhiro Hayashibe was invited to participate to JSPS Program: Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers. (PI Prof. Hitoshi Hirata, Dep. of Med. Nagoya Univ.)(Feb. 2016)

Mitsuhiro Hayashibe was visiting Researcher at EPFL, BIOROB supported by Swiss National Science Foundation (Sep.-Oct. 2016)