Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Philippe Ciuciu: IEEE ISBI (15 papers), IEEE ICASSP (10 papers), IEEE ICIP (5 papers), NIPS (4 papers), EUSIPCO (5 papers).
Member of the Editorial Boards
Bertrand Thirion: Medical Image Analysis, Frontiers in brain imaging
Gaël Varoquaux: Frontiers in NeuroInformatics, Frontiers in brain imaging methods, NeuroImage
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Philippe Ciuciu: Reviewer for Neuroimage, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Signal Processing, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging, Plos One, Plos Comput. Biology, Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Bertrand Thirion: Human Brain Mapping, IEEE TMI, MedIA, NeuroImage, PNAS
Gaël Varoquaux: NeuroImage, JSTSP, PNAS, HBM, PLOS Comp Bio, Gigascience
Olivier Grisel: Journal of Machine Learning Research (software track).
Invited Talks
Bertrand Thirion
February: invited talk at the Imagerie du Vivant National congress, entitled Large-scale analyses in functional brain Imaging.
February: presentation at the Pasadena working group of the Digicosme Labex.
April: invited presentation at European Neuroscience institute, Paris, entitled Seeing it all: Convolutional network layers map the function of the human visual system.
April: presentation Functional connectomicts, at DTU Copenhagen, entitled from large-scale estimators to empirical validation.
May: Talk at Atlas workshop, Grenoble, entitled Learning representations from functional brain imaging.
June: organizer of a table ronde at the Futur en Seine event entitled Computational methods for neurosciences & medical imaging.
October: talk at MPI Psychiatry, Munich, entitled Machine learning for neuroimaging: current challenges and solutions.
June: Talk at Neurostic workshop, Grenoble, entitled Learning representations from functional brain imaging.
October: Invited talk by the ITMO Neuroscience, Bordeaux, entitled Working with large data samples: the case of human brain imaging.
Philippe Ciuciu
12/16: IEEE Lecture at University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada): Sparkling: Novel non-Cartesian sampling schemes for accelerated 2D anatomical imaging at 7 Tesla.
12/16: Pacific Parkinson's research center (Vancouver, Canada): Impact of perceptual learning on resting-state brain dynamics in fMRI: A supervised classification study.
09/16: GdR d'Analyse Multifractale (Avignon, France): Convergence of neural activity to multifractal attractors in MEG predicts learning.
08/16: invitation to the Special session entitled “Unraveling brain networks from functional neuroimaging data” at EUSIPCO'16 (Budapest, Hungary): Impact of perceptual learning on resting-state fMRI connectivity: A supervised classification study.
06/16: Journées scientifiques d'Inria (Rennes, France): Compressive Sampling in MRI.
06/16: Inria Sophia-Antipolis, équipe Athena. New physically plausible compressive sampling schemes for MRI: First results at 7 Tesla
05/16: University of Geneva (Campus BioTech, Geneva, Switzlerand): Convergence to asymptotic Multifractal dynamics in the brain predicts learning.
02/16: Grenoble Institut of Neurosciences (Grenoble, France): Physically plausible trajectories for Compressed Sensing in MRI.
02/16: Workshop on 7 Tesla scanner at NeuroSpin (Gif-sur-Yvette, France) Compressed sensing for high resolution MRI at 7 Tesla.
01/16: Cosmostat lab, IRFU/CEA. On the generation of compressed sampling schemes in MRI.
Loïc Estève
Olivier Grisel
PyData Berlin and PyData Paris 2016: "Predictive modeling with Python, trends and tools
invited talk on Some recent developments in Deep Learning researc at Strata London 2016.
Gaël Varoquaux
Paris Open Source summit 2016: scikit-learn, the vision and the community
EuroScipy 2016 (Erlangen): keynote: "On writing code the science"
Open Data Science Conference 2017 (London): keynote: "The code of data science"
EuroPython 2016 (Bilbao): keynote "Scientists meet web dev: how Python became the language of data"
Facebook AI Research: some statistical learning problems in brain imaging
GDR ISIS Imagerie medicale: prediction de pathologies psychiatriques à partir d'imagerie fonctionnelle de repos
Brain network analysis workshop, MICCAI 2016 (Athenes): keynote
Journée Graphes et neuroscience à Marseilles: Machine learning on brain graphes
Seminar Max Planck Institute Leipzig: data mining for neuroimaging
Seminar Telecom ParisTech: randomized methods for high-dimensional statistical learning
Séminaire d'équipe Asclepios: Quelques problèmes d'apprentissage sur des images cérébrales
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Bertrand Thirion: member of the Committee on Best Practices in Data Analysis and Sharing for the OHBM community.
Scientific Expertise
Gaël Varoquaux: Membre de la Commission Expertises Scientifiques, (CE23) ANR
Olivier Grisel did 3 days of consulting with the CTO of the Therapixel startup to share expertise on the use of Deep Learning for the predictive analysis of 3D imaging data.
Research Administration
Philippe Ciuciu
03/16: Involvement in the CEA visiting committee on High Performance Computing.
05/16: Member of a Comité de sélection for hiring an Assistant Professor in Paris-Saclay University (Section 61 of CNU).
06/16: Member of the Inria scientific commission in charge of ranking PhD and post-doctoral applicants as well as delegations of Assistant Professors to Inria.