Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Bertrand Thirion
  • Master : Brain Computer interface and Functional Neuroimaging, 12 heures équivalent TD, niveau M2, ENS Cachan

Philippe Ciuciu
  • Master 2 : “Functional MRI: From data acquisition to analysis”, 3h, Univ. Paris V René Descartes & Télécom-Paristech, Master of Biomedical Engineering

  • Master 2 : “FMRI data analysis”, 3h, Univ. Paris-Saclay, Master of medical Physics

Gaël Varoquaux
  • Master 2 : “Brain functional connectivity analysis”, 7h, Univ. Paris V René Descartes & Télécom-Paristech, Master of Biomedical Engineering

  • Master 2 : “Machine learning with scikit-learn”, 2h, ENSAE

  • Master 2 : “Advanced Machine learning with scikit-learn”, 3h, Centrale Paris, MSc in data sciences & business analytics

  • Ecole d'été multidisciplinaire analyse de données, Rennes, 1h

  • OHBM 2016: course on machine learning for cognitive neuroimaging 30mn

  • PRNI 2016: nilearn for machine learning on brain images, 8h

  • Max Planck Institute Leipzig: nilearn for machine learning on brain images, 8h


Bertrand Thirion
  • PhD in progress: Elvis Dohmatob,

  • PhD in progress: Arthur Mensch,

  • PhD in progress: Andrés Hoyos Idrobo

Philippe Ciuciu
  • PhD defended: Aina Frau-Pascual, “Statistical models for the analysis of BOLD and ASL Magnetic Resonance modalities to study brain function and disease”, University of Grenoble-Alpes (doctoral school: Mathématiques, Sciences et Technologies de l’Information, Informatique), defense: 19/12/2016, Advisors: Florence Forbes (Dir), Philippe Ciuciu (Co-Dir)

  • PhD in progress: Carole Lazarus, “Physically plausible compressed sensing for high resolution MRI at 7 Tesla in Humans” starting date: October 2015 (Univ. Paris-Saclay, doctoral school: EOBE). Advisors: Philippe Ciuciu (Dir), Alexandre Vignaud (Co-Dir)

  • PhD in progress: Loubna El Gueddari, “Parallel proximal algorithms for compressed sensing MRI reconstruction. Applications in ultra-high magnetic field imaging”, starting date: October 2016 (Univ. Paris-Saclay, doctoral school: EOBE). Advisors: Philippe Ciuciu (Dir) and Jean-Christophe Pesquet (Co-Dir, Prof. at Centrale-Supélec)

Gael Varoquaux
  • PhD defended: Alexandre Abraham

  • PhD in progress: Elvis Dohmatob,

  • PhD in progress: Arthur Mensch,

  • PhD in progress: Andrés Hoyos Idrobo


Bertrand Thirion
  • 04/29: Reviewer of Niklas Kasenburg PhD Thesis , Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark.

  • 01/12: Examiner of Simona Schiavi PhD Thesis, Univ. Paris Saclay.

  • 14/12: Reviewer of Olivier Marre habilitation, Paris.

  • 15/12: Reviewer of Maite Termenon PhD thesis, Univ. Grenoble.

Philippe Ciuciu
  • 04/16: Reviewer of Aiping Liu's PhD thesis (ECCS Dpt, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouvern Canada) entitled “Brain Connectivity Network Modeling using fMRI signals”

  • 05/16: Reviewer of Andrea Laruelo-Fernandez's PhD thesis (INP Toulouse-IRIT- ENSEEIHT) entitled “Integration of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging into the radiotherapy treatment planning”

  • 09/16: Examinor of Mohanad Albughdadi's PhD thesis (INP Toulouse-IRIT- ENSEEIHT) entitled “ Bayesian joint detection-estimation in functional MRI with automatic parcellation and functional constraints”

  • 10/16: Reviewer of Sébastien Combrexelle's PhD thesis (INP Toulouse-IRIT- ENSEEIHT) entitled “Multifractal analysis for multivariate data with application to remote sensing”.

  • 10/16: Co-director of Aina Frau-Pascual's PhD thesis (see above).

Gaël Varoquaux
  • 06/16: Examiner of Alberto García Durán, PhD Thesis, UTC Compiegne.