Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Teaching in computer science:

  • License: J.-S. Varré, Programming and algorithms, 36h, L2 Computer Science, Univ. Lille.

  • License: J.-S. Varré, Object oriented programming, 36h, L2 Computer Science, Univ. Lille.

  • License: J.-S. Varré, Algorithms and data structures, 50h, L2 Computer science, Univ. Lille.

  • License: J.-S. Varré, System, 84h, L3 Computer science, Univ. Lille.

  • License: P. Marijon Databases, 36h, L3 Computer science, Univ. Lille.

  • License: Q. Bonenfant Databases, 36h, L3 Computer science, Univ. Lille.

  • Licence: M. Pupin, Programming (Python), 78h, L1 Sciences, Univ. Lille.

  • Licence: M. Pupin, occupational integration, 30h, L3 computer science, Univ. Lille.

  • Master: : M. Pupin, Programming (JAVA), 24h, M1 “Mathématiques et finance”, Univ. Lille.

  • License: M. Salson, Programming (Python), 42h, L1 Sciences, Univ. Lille.

  • License: M. Salson, Coding and information theory, 63h, L2 Computer science, Univ. Lille.

  • Master: M. Salson, Software project, 40h, M1 Computer science, Univ. Lille.

Teaching in bioinformatics:

  • Master: M. Pupin, M. Salson Bioinformatics, 34h, M1 ”Biologie-Santé“, Univ. Lille.

  • Master: M. Salson, Algorithms for life sciences, 20h, M2 Complex models, algorithms and data, Univ. Lille.

  • Master: R. Chikhi, Bioinformatics, 20h, M1 Computer Science, Univ. Lille.

Teaching in skeptical thinking:

  • Master: M. Salson, Skeptical thinking, 27h, M2 Journalist and Scientist, ESJ, Univ. Lille.

Formation for academics:

Teaching administration

  • Head of the licence semester “Computer Science – S3 Harmonisation (S3H)”, Univ. Lille (L. Noé).

  • Member of faculty council (M. Pupin, J.-S. Varré).

  • Head of the 3rd year of licence of computer science, Univ. Lille (J.-S. Varré).

  • Head of the GIS department (Software Engineering and Statistics) of Polytech'Lille (S. Janot).

  • Head of the computer science modules in the 1st year of Licence, Univ. Lille (M. Pupin).

  • Head of the Informatique au féminin, Univ. Lille (M. Pupin).


  • PhD: T. Rocher, Indexing VDJ recombinations in lymphocytes for leukemia follow-up, February 2018, M. Giraud, M. Salson.

  • PhD: C. Saad, Caractérisation des erreurs de séquençage non aléatoires, application aux mosaïques et tumeurs hétérogènes, September 2018, M.-P. Buisine, H. Touzet, J. Leclerc, L. Noé, M. Figeac.

  • PhD in progress: P. Marijon, Analyse de graphes d'assemblage issus du séquençage ADN troisième génération, 2016, R. Chikhi, J-S. Varré.

  • PhD in progress: Q. Bonenfant, Algorithmes pour l'analyse de séquençage ARN troisième génération, 2017/11/15, L. Noé, H. Touzet.


  • H. Touzet was member of the PhD juries of Camille Marchet (University of Rennes 1), Magali Dancette (University of Lyon 1), Aurélien Quillet (University of Rouen).

  • H. Touzet was member of hiring committees (professors) at University of Lille and University of Caen.

  • J.-S. Varré was member of a hiring committee (professors) at University of Lille.

  • L. Noé was member of a hiring committee (associate professor) at University of Lille.

  • R. Chikhi was member of the PhD juries of Florian Plaza Onate (INRA MetaGenoPolis), Sorina Maciuca (Wellcome Trust, UK).

  • R. Chikhi was member of a hiring committee (research engineer) at Institut Pasteur, Paris.