Section: Dissemination
Damien Marchal, Olivier Goury and Christian Duriez participated in “Fête de la science: Opération Chercheurs itinérants”, which involves giving scientific lectures in middle and high schools.
Olivier Goury presneted a tutorial for the “Journée de l'Enseignement de l'Informatique et de l'Algorithmique (Journée JEIA)”, which is an event for high school teachers willing to learn more about computer science.
Olivier Goury et Thomas Morzadec took part in the “Journée RIC (Recherche - Innovation - Créativité)”, happening at IMT Lille Douai. A demonstration was made for students of engineering schools and the university of Lille.
Creation of media or tools for science outreach
Développement du site hands-soft-robotics.