Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Olivier Gandrillon International Conference of Systems Biology 2018, Lyon, France
Member of the Organizing Committees
Fabien Crauste, International Conference of Systems Biology 2018, Lyon, France
Laurent Pujo Menjouet, co-organization of the minisymposium « Hematopoiesis and its disease » at ECMTB 2018, 11th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 – 27 July , 2018
Scientific Events Selection
M .Adimy : 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics (ICAM 2018), 2018 Fez-Morocco,
Member of the Editorial Boards
M. Adimy Journal of Nonlinear Systems and Applications; Chinese Journal of Mathematics.
L. Pujo Menjouet :Associate editor of PLOS ONE Journal of Thoerical Biology, Mathematical modelling of natural phenomena
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
O. Gandrillon : BioEssays, BioTechniques, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Genomics, Cell Biology and Toxicology, Genes, Genomics, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Molecular BioSystems, Nature Communications, npj Systems Biology and Applications, Plos Computational Biology and Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology
T. Lepoutre Applied Mathematical Letters, Journal of Differential Equations, Siam Journal of Mathematical Analysis, Marrow
L. Pujo Menjouet Journal of Theoretical Biology Bulletin of mathematical biology Journal of mathematical biology Plos computational biology
S. Bernard J Theor Biol, Comput and Appl Math, J Roy Soc Interface
Invited Talks
S Bernard, Modélisation mathématique de la croissance et de la réparation tissulaire, Fondation Les Treilles, Tourtour FR, 12-17/11/2018
S Bernard, Workshop Mathematics of Biological rhythms, Northunbria University, Newcastle, 3-5/12/2018
Thomas Lepoutre : Mathematical perspetives in the biology and therapeutics of cancer, Cirm, Luminy France,
Thomas Lepoutre : Mathematical Challenges in the Analysis of Continuum Models for Cancer Growth, Evolution and Therapy, CMO, Oaxaca MEXICO,
Mostafa Adimy, 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics (ICAM 2018), Fez-Morocco.
Mostafa Adimy, 2ème Colloque des Mathématiciens Marocains à l'étranger, Marrakech-Morocco.
Mostafa Adimy, 8th Mathematical and Biological School (Programa Argentino BIOMAT), Córdoba-Argentina.
Mostafa Adimy, Mathematical Challenges in the Analysis of Continuum Models for Cancer Growth, Evolution and Therapy, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Laurent Pujo Menjouet, talk at the minisymposium « Topics in structured population dynamics » ECMTB 2018, 11th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 – 27 Juillet , 2018
Laurent Pujo Menjouet, LIAM-IRC-MfPH 2018 Symposium in Structured population models: theory, numerics and applications, 27-29 août 2016
Leadership within the Scientific Community
O . Gandrillon : Director of BioSyL, the Federative Research Structure for Systems Biology attached to University of Lyon
T. Lepoutre : Head of the Groupe de Recherches CNRS MAMOVI on applied mathematical modelling in Life Sciences.
Scientific Expertise
Research Administration
L.M. Tine :Membre conseil du département de Mathématiques, Lyon 1
L.M. Tine Co-responsable de l'enseignement TMB ( Techniques Mathématiques de Base) du portail PCSI.
M. Adimy : Comité scientifique (CS) de l'Institut Camille Jordan.
L. Pujo- Menjouet : Responsable de la filière mathématiques pour la biologie et la médecine pour le master 2 math en actions à l’université Claude Bernard Lyon 1,
L. Pujo- Menjouet : correspondant mobilité international pour le département de mathématiques à l’université Claude Bernard Lyon 1,
L. Pujo- Menjouet : directeur du portail mathématiques et informatique à l’université Claude Bernard Lyon 1,