Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Philippe Dague and François Fages were co-organizers of the Workshop on Computational Systems Biology for Cancer CSBC, Institut des Systèmes Complexes, Paris, France, 24-26 jan. 2018.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Gregory Batt was member of the scientific program committee of
François Fages was member of the program committee of
VEMDP'18 Verification of Engineered Molecular Devices and Programs. July 19, 2018, Oxford, United Kingdom. An affiliated workshop of CAV 2018.
CMSB'18 16th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology. 12th-14th September 2018, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ.
MCU'18 8th International Conference on Machines, Computations and Universality, June 28-30, 2018, Fontainebleau, France.
IJCAR'18 9th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, part of the Federated Logic Conference FLOC'18, July 14-17, 2018, Oxford, UK.
DataMod'18 7th International Symposium “From Data to Models and Back”, 25-26 June 2018, Toulouse, France
WCB'18 13th International Workshop on Constraint-based Methods for Bioinformatics, Oxford co-located with FLOC'18, July 2018.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
In addition to their Editorial Board and Program Committee duties,
Grégory Batt reviewed journal articles for ACS Synthetic Biology, Cell Systems, Nature Communications, and Current Opinion in Systems Biology;
François Fages reviewed journal articles for PLOS Computational Biology, Interface Focus, Natural Computing, BMC Systems Biology and the book Automated Reasoning for Systems Biology and Medicine;
Jakob Ruess reviewed journal articles for PLOS Computational Biology, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Journal of Computational Physics, Processes, and Entropy;
Sylvain Soliman reviewed journal articles for Journal of Theoretical Biology and Transactions in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.
Invited Talks
Virgile Andreani gave an invited talk on Modèles de résistance bactérienne aux antibiotiques to Journée apprentissage de modèles statistiques et stochastiques à partir de données biologiques, Mar 2018, Rennes, France;
Grégory Batt gave invited talks on
Balancing a genetic toggle switch by real-time control and periodic stimulations, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2018), Aug 21-24 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
Impact of phenotypic variability on commitment to apoptosis, Computational Systems Biology of Cancer, Sept 2018, Paris
Balancing a genetic toggle switch by real-time control and periodic stimulations, iSSB / Genoscope seminar, Dec 2018, Evry, France
François Fages gave invited talks on
Vers une informatique de la cellule: programmes biochimiques naturels et synthétiques, Conférence de rentrée de l'ENS Paris-Saclay (3h), Sep. 2018;
Modeling and Design of Biological Systems, Discrete Models and Formal Verification in Biology, Cambridge, UK, août 2018;
Modeling and Design of Biological Systems, Summer school on New strategies in medical diagnosis and personalized medicine, Ninh Binh, Vietnam, Jul. 2018;
Computer-Aided Biochemical Programming of Synthetic Micro-reactors as Diagnostic Devices, Groupe de Travail sur la biologie systémique symbolique, GT BIOSS, Marseille, Jul. 2018;
Turing Completeness of Continuous Chemical Reaction Networks, an Informatic Perspective to Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology, MODELIFE days, Université Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur, Nice, June 2018;
A Constraint-based Implementation of Tropical Equilibrations in BIOCHAM towards integrating Stability Conditions for Computing Correct Model Reductions, Scientific Meeting, Bonn, Allemagne, March 2018;
From Turing Completeness of Continuous CRN to Abstract CRN Synthesis Workflow, Formal Methods for the Synthesis of Biomolecular Circuits, Dagstuhl, Allemagne, Feb. 2018;
Coupled Models of the Cell Cycle and Circadian Clock for Chronotherapy Optimization, Computational Systems Biology for Cancer, Paris, Jan. 2018.
Jakob Ruess gave invited talks on
Virtual reality for bacteria, C3BI Seminar, Feb 2018, Paris, France.
Shaping bacterial population behavior through computer-interfaced control of individual cells, Symposium on "Cybergenetics-at the interface between living and non-living regulatory systems" at the Annual Meeting of the German Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM), Apr 2018, Wolfsburg, Germany.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
co-responsible of the working group on Symbolic Systems Biology (GT Bioss), gathering >150 researchers in 25 research teams; and member of
the Technical Committee on Systems Biology of IEEE and CSS societies;
the scientific board of the French research network on Systems and Synthetic Biology (GdR BioSynSys), gathering 40 labs and 300 researchers;
the scientific board of the French research network on Bioinformatics (GdR BIM), gathering 56 labs and several hundreds of researchers;
the scientific committee of the Advanced Course on Computational Systems Biology summer school, Aussois, 2019;
the scientific committee of the Curie International Course on Systems Biology of Cancer, Paris, 2018.
the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, CMSB, since 2008.
the Think Tank of the structuring program MODELIFE “Modélisation physique et Mathématique du vivant”, Université Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur.
Scientific Expertise
was responsible for the Predictive Systems Biology chapter of the 2018-2022 strategic plan of Inria;
was reviewer and panel member of the ITMO Cancer/Inserm call on single-cell approaches to cancer;
and reviewer for the MIT International Science & Technology Initiatives (MISTI) Global Seed Funds and for the Leverhulme Trust.
Jakob Ruess has been a member of thesis advisory committee for two PhD students.