Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Pierre-Louis Curien organised a Day of Hommage to the memory of Maurice Nivat on February 6, 2018, at University Paris 7.
Alexis Saurin organised and co-chaired with David Baelde the Paris workshop in Oxford, UK, July 7-8th 2018, collocated with FLoC 2018.
Matthieu Sozeau co-organised and co-chaired with Nicolas Tabareau the Coq Workshop 2018 in Oxford, UK, July 8th 2018, collocated with FLoC 2018.
Member of the Organising Committees
Yves Guiraud organised with Philippe Malbos (Univ. Lyon 1) and Samuel Mimram (École Polytechnique) the fourth edition of the workshop HDRA (Higher-Dimensional Rewriting and Algebra) in July 2018 in Oxford.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Hugo Herbelin was a member of the program committee of the conference POPL 2019.
Yann Régis-Gianas was a member of the program committee of the conference PPDP 2018.
Yann Régis-Gianas was a member of the program committee of the conference JFLA 2019.
Matthieu Sozeau was member of the program committee of the conference Interactive Theorem Proving 2018 which took place in Oxford during FLoC 2018 and the 13th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks with Applications, which took place in Fortaleza, Brazil, September 26-28, 2018.
Member of the Conference Steering Committees
Pierre-Louis Curien is member of the steering committee of the international workshop Games for Logic and Programming Languages (GaLop).
Hugo Herbelin is a member of the steering committee of the conference TYPES.
Matthieu Sozeau is member of the steering committee of the Dependently Typed Programming international workshop (DTP).
Member of the Editorial Boards
Pierre-Louis Curien is editor in chief of the Cambridge University Press journal Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (since January 2016).
Alexis Saurin is editing a special issue of MSCS dedicated to contributions in honour of Dale Miller for his 60th birthday.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
The members of the team reviewed papers for numerous journals and international conferences.
Invited Talks
Pierre-Louis Curien gave talks on the legacy of Maurice Nivat at two special events organised to honour his memory: special sessions in the Journées du GDR IM (Ecole Polytechnique, May 2018), and at ICALP 2018 (Prague, July 2018).
Eric Finster gave an invited talk at the annual meeting of the GDR Topologie in Montpellier in October entitled "The Cotopological Tower".
Hugo Herbelin gave an invited talk on computing with Gôdel's completeness theorem using side effects at the workshop Proof, Computation and Complexity in Bonn, July 2018.
Yann Régis-Gianas gave an invited talk about copatterns in OCaml at the "Logique, Types et Preuves" workshop of the GDR GPL.
Matthieu Sozeau gave an invited talk on "The Predicative, Polymorphic, Cumulative Calculus of Inductive Constructions" at the TYPES 2018 International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs in Braga, Portugal, 18-21 June 2018.
Matthieu Sozeau gave an invited seminar entitled "Programmer en Coq" at the Collège de France, on December 12th 2018, part of Xavier Leroy's lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism.
Théo Zimmermann was invited to give a talk in the First international workshop on Empirical Answers to Questions of Software Engineering to present his work on the impact of switching bug trackers [60].
Scientific Expertise
Pierre-Louis Curien has been an expert for a hiring committee for an assistant professor position in Logic, Computation and Programming at Stockholm University (June 2018).
Hugo Herbelin has been a reviewer for FWF (Austrian research funding agency) and NKFI (Hungarian research funding agency).
Research Administration
Pierre-Louis Curien is a member of the Scientific Council of the CIRM (Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques).
Pierre-Louis Curien and Yves Guiraud are members of the scientific council of the Computer Science department of University Paris 7.
Yves Guiraud is the head of the “Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes” (PPS) pole of the IRIF laboratory (since April 2016), and a member of the IRIF direction council (since September 2017).
Yann Régis-Gianas is a member of the Executive Comitee of the OCaml Foundation, acting as a representative of the teaching community.
In collaboration with Emmanuel Chailloux (UPMC), Yann Régis-Gianas is organising the next four years of IRILL, an initiative about innovation in free software.
Presentation of papers
Pierre-Louis Curien gave a talk at the Conference “Topology in Australia and South Korea 2018”, Pohang ( in April 2018 (`A syntactic approach to opetopes').
Yann Régis-Gianas gave talks to present "Morbig", a static parser for POSIX Shellat at FOSDEM 2018 in Brussels, at MiniDebConf 2018 and at SLE 2018 in Boston.
Yann Régis-Gianas gave a talk at OCaml 2018 in St Louis to present Learn-OCaml, a project to support the teaching of OCaml worldwide.
Yann Régis-Gianas gave a talk at JFLA 2018 to present his work about extending OCaml with Copatterns.
Exequiel Rivas gave a talk on relating interfaces for computational effects at the Seventh Workshop on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming (MSFP 2018) in July 2018.
Exequiel Rivas gave a talk on relating interfaces for computational effects at the First Symposium on Compositional Structures (SYCO I) in September 2018.
Matthieu Sozeau gave a talk and presented a poster at PEPM 2018 on Equations, gave a talk on Typed Template Coq at CoqPL 2018, along with the traditional Coq developer session. These events were co-located with POPL 2018 in Los Angeles, CA in January 2018.
Talks in seminars
Eric Finster gave a talk about the implementation of Catt, a proof assistant for Maltsinotis-style higher categories at the Journées pi.r2 (Fontainebleau, june 2018).
Eric Finster gave a talk on “Towards Higher Universal Algebra in Dependent Type Theory” in the working group on Higher Categories, Polygraphs and Homotopy, during the Journées PPS (November 2018).
Eric Finster gave a talk during the HoTTest Electronic Seminar on "Towards Higher Universal Algebra in Type Theory".
Eric Finster gave a talk entitled "Left Exact Modalities in Type Theory" at the Cambridge Logic and Semantics Seminar (March 2018).
Hugo Herbelin gave a talk on computing with Gödel's completeness theorem at the seminar of the Logic team of the IMJ-PRG Paris 6 - Paris 7 lab.
Pierre Letouzey gave two talks on “Un problème d'Hofstadter pour ses lecteurs curieux” during the Journées pi.r2 (Fontainebleau, june 2018) and the Journées PPS (November 2018).
Jean-Jacques Lévy gave a talk at the IRIF Verification seminar (January 8) entitled "Proofs of graph algorithms with automation and their readability".
Jean-Jacques Lévy gave a talk at the VIP ISCAS-Inria workshop (Irif, November 19-22) entitled "Comparing a Formal Proof in Why3, Coq and Isabelle".
Yann Régis-Gianas gave a talk at Gallium seminar to present "Morbig", a static parser for POSIX Shell.
Exequiel Rivas gave a talk on “Arrows: from programming to semantics” at the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Nord (LIPN), September 2018.
Exequiel Rivas gave a talk on “Interaction from monadic interfaces” during the Journées PPS, November 2018.
Exequiel Rivas gave a talk on “Interaction from monadic interfaces” at the Prosecco seminar, December 2018.
Alexis Saurin gave a talk at I2M seminar in the "logique de la programmation" group entitled "logical-by-need".
Alexis Saurin gave a talk at the VIP ISCAS-Inria workshop (Irif, November 19-22) entitled "On non-wellfounded proofs and cuts in linear logic with fixed points."
Matthieu Sozeau gave a talk on the MetaCoq Project at the VALS seminar, LRI, October 2018.
Matthieu Sozeau gave a talk on “A universe of strict propositions“ during the Journées PPS, November 2018.
Attendance to conferences, workshops, schools,...
Hugo Herbelin attended TYPES 2018 in Porto (June), the Coq Implementors Workskop in Nice (May 2018), FLoC in Oxford (July 2018), the GPL working group in Marseille (October 2018), the Scalp working group in Saclay (November 2018).
Hugo Herbelin gave a talk on cubical type theory at the workshop Types, Homotopy Type theory and Verification (June 2018), on computing with Markov's principle at the workshop Proof and Computation (July 2018), on a constructive proof of the axiom of dependent choice compatible with classical logic at the workshop Constructive Mathematics (August 2018), all workshops of the special trimester on types, sets and constructions in Bonn. He gave a talk on the reverse mathematics of Gödel's completeness theorem and on the computational contents of Henkin's proof at the seminar of the trimester.
Hugo Herbelin gave a talk on cubical type theory at the TYPES conference (June 2018).
Hugo Herbelin gave a talk on the cubical type structure of cubical type theory at the HoTT-UF workshop in Oxford, July 2018.
Jean-Jacques Lévy attended the Coq Winter School 2018-2019 (SSReflect & MathComp) at Inria Sophia-Antipolis (November 2018).
Yann Régis-Gianas attended JFLA 2018, OCaml 2018, SPLASH 2018, FOSDEM 2018 and MiniDebConf 2018.
Exequiel Rivas attended to MSFP 2018 and SYCO I.
Alexis Saurin attended FLoC 2018 in Oxford.
Matthieu Sozeau attended POPL in Los Angeles, CA (January 2018), the Coq Implementors Workshop in Nice (May 2018), the TYPES Conference in Braga, Portugal (June 2018), FLoC in Oxford (July 2018) and ICFP in St Louis, MI (September 2018).
Théo Zimmermann attented FOSDEM in Brussels (February 2018), the Coq Implementors Workskop in Nice (May 2018), FLoC in Oxford (July 2018), OpenSym in Paris (August 2018) and the EAQSE workshop in Villebrumier (November 2018).
Groupe de travail Théorie des types et réalisabilité
This is one of the working groups of PPS, jointly organised by Hugo Herbelin and Matthieu Sozeau. The speakers in 2018 were Rodolphe Lepigre (Practical Curry-Style using Choice Operators, Local Subtyping and Circular proofs), Armaël Guéneau ( A Fistful of Dollars: Formalising Asymptotic Complexity Claims via Deductive Program Verification), Jérôme Siméon (Specifying and compiling domain specific languages using Coq: Three case studies), Laura Fontanella 'Axiom of choice in classical realisabiity), Adrien Guatto (A Generalised Modality for Recursion), Hadrien Batmalle (Preservation of properties of the original model in classical realisability), Raphaël Cauderlier (Tactics and certificates in Meta Dedukti).
Groupe de travail Catégories supérieures, polygraphes et homotopie
Several members of the team participate actively in this weekly working group of PPS, organised by François Métayer (Univ. Nanterre) since 2009.