Section: Dissemination


  • J-P. Merlet gives 3 talks in the Alpes-Maritimes in the framework of the Science pour Tous association. He has also participated in a seminar on robotics and media involving 6 robotics experts and 6 journalists for a reflexion on the bias of the presentation of robotics to a general audience. He was also a member of the scientific committee for the permanent exhibition Robot at the Cité des Sciences, Paris

  • Y. Papegay is actively participating to the Math.en.Jeans initiative for Mathematics teaching for undergraduate students.

  • Y. Papegay is developing several pedagogical resources based on small robotics devices at high-school level.

  • Y. Papegay organized and animated summer schools in experimental mathematics and computer sciences. Several one week sessions have been held in Oxford in June, July, August and November gathering more than 70 high-school students - most of them were awardees in Mathematics Olympiads.

  • O. Pourtallier is corresponding researcher for two MATh.en.JEANS workshops, an initiative for Mathematics teaching for undergraduate students.

  • E. Wajnberg gives 5 talks in the Alpes-Maritimes in the framework of the Science pour Tous association


  • the HEPHAISTOS project has on average about 100 visitors per year, either young students or teachers, to which we present our robotics and assistance activities

Internal action

  • the HEPHAISTOS project has developed a set of cable-driven parallel robots, the MARIONET-SCHOOL series, that is used to illustrate visually scientific concepts in various domains