Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • J-P. Merlet has taught 6 hours on parallel robots to Master ISC (M2) at University of Toulon. He has also been invited at ESIEE Paris for a talk about assistance robotics

  • J-P. Merlet, P. Martinet (CHORALE) and G. Allibert (I3S) have organized the first GDR robotics winter school, Foundation of robotics. During 5 days 35 students, mostly 1st year PhD students, have followed courses taught by international experts. Slides and additional materials have been regrouped in a HAL collection, Robotics principia, that has been organized in such a way that the next occurrences of this school will also be able to deposit additional documents. The idea of this collection is to be able to address all topics in robotics with various viewpoints.

  • In February, Y. Papegay has been visiting lecturer of University of French Polynesia, where he gave an object oriented programming course.

  • Y. Papegay has taught 3 hours on parallel robots to Master ISC (M2) at University of Toulon

  • P. Pourtallier lectured 6 hours on game theory to Master OSE (M2), at École des Mines de Paris, Sophia Antipolis, France

  • E. Wajnberg lectured One week course (about 30 h) about the use of the R program and statistics for PhD students and senior scientists in Rehovot (Israel, February)


  • J. Moussaid. Analyse de robots parallèles à câbles (2019-), Supervisor: J-P. Merlet

  • W. Plouvier. Improving pest control efficiency: a modelling approach (2015-2019). Supervisor: E. Wajnberg.

  • E. Thomine. Agencement cultural pour promouvoir le transfert des services écosystémiques de biocontrôle au sein des paysages agricoles (2016 à 2019). Supervisors : N. Desneux & E. Wajnberg.


  • J-P. Merlet was a jury member for the Best PhD Awards of the robotics GDR and has been president of 2 PhD juries.