Research Program
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Research Program
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

The HOBIT system has been exported to a foreign institution (University of Jena) for the first time. The licensing of the technology is in progress for a worldwide distribution.


  • Honorable mention award at ACM ISS 2019

  • Best paper award at ACM UIST 2019

  • Best presentation award at Neuroadaptive Technologies 2019 (NAT'19): "Modular biofeedback: build your own tangible experience" by Joan Sol Roo and Jeremy Frey

Best Papers Awards:
P. Giraudeau, A. Olry, J. Sol Roo, S. Fleck, D. Bertolo, R. Vivian, M. Hachet.

CARDS: A Mixed-Reality System for Collaborative Learning at School, in: ACM ISS'19 - ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, Deajon, South Korea, November 2019. [ DOI : 10.1145/3343055.3359721 ]


A. Khan, J. Sol Roo, T. Kraus, J. Steimle.

Soft Inkjet Circuits: Rapid Multi Material Fabrication of Soft Circuits Using a Commodity Inkjet Printer, in: UIST'19 - 32nd ACM Symposium on User interface software and technology, New Orleans, United States, October 2019.
