Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
"4ème conference nationale sur le Neurofeedback: le neurofeedback, un outil pour la recherche en neurosciences cognitives ?", co-chair - Fabien Lotte
“How do we learn to use a BCI? Current state of knowledge, prospects of improvement using an interdisciplinary approach”, Workshop at the International Graz BCI conference 2019, Graz, Austria – co-chair, Fabien Lotte
Member of the Organizing Committees
Workshops organizer and sponsors finder for the event for the French BCI/NF Society, called CORTICO days - Jelena Mladenovic
Scientific Events: Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
NeuroAdaptive Technology conference (NAT) 2019, Fabien Lotte
Journées d'informatique théâtrale 2020, Martin Hachet, Pascal Guitton
Guest editor
Member of the Editorial Boards
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Invited Talks
”Hybrid environments (real/virtual) in Education”, LIRIS, Lyon, Jan. 2019 - Martin Hachet
”Vers une carte multisensorielle en réalité augmentée pour les personnes aveugles et malvoyantes : une approche participative”, ARIBA Nov. 2019, Bordeaux - Lauren Thevin
”Example of HCI for Humas: Previous works and perspectives”, LMU Muchen, April 2019 - Lauren Thevin
“Adaptive Riemannian Classifiers for Long-term Brain-Computer Interface training of a Tetraplegic User”, Seminar at ISAE-Supaero, December 2019 - Fabien Lotte
“From machine learning to user learning in Brain-Computer Interaction”, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), GIR Seminar, Tokyo, Japan, November 2019 - Fabien Lotte
“Understanding, modeling and optimizing Mental Imagery-based Brain-Computer Interface user training”, BCI: Science and Practice international conference, Keynote, Samara, Russia, October 2019 - Fabien Lotte
“Machine learning and experimental tools towards EEG-based NeuroAdaptive Technologies”, international conference on NeuroAdaptive Technologies (NAT’19), Keynote, Liverpool, UK, July 2019 - Fabien Lotte
“Brain-Computer Interfaces: Myths, open challenges and realistic expectations”, NICE Meeting, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, June 2019 - Fabien Lotte
“Understanding and modeling user training in Mental-Imagery-based Brain-Computer Interfaces”, University of Freiburg, Germany, June 2019 - Fabien Lotte
"ElectroEncephaloGraphic signal processing & classification for Brain-Computer Interfaces", Time Series Day, Rennes, France, March 2019 - Fabien Lotte
"Vers une accessibilité numérique des systèmes d'éducation numérique", ESPE Angers, Rencontres académiques du numérique, Rectorat de Nantes, En visioconférence, March 2019 - Pascal Guitton & Hélène Sauzéon
"Ethique du numérique pour la santé", Séminaire IA et sens clinique, Bordeaux, March 2019 - Pascal Guitton
"Réalité virtuelle et handicap : étude, évaluation, réhabilitation", 20 ans d'Immersia, Rennes, November 2019 - Pascal Guitton
"Les Sciences du Numérique au service de la pratique sportive", Colloque Sport et numérique, Bordeaux, July 2019 - Pascal Guitton
"Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur (ICO) & Neurofeedback (NF): Influence des capacités somatosensorielles sur la réhabilitation motrice post-AVC", SOFMER, Bordeaux, Oct. 2019 - Léa Pillette
"Predicting BCI performances from users’ profile using Computational Modelling", Workshop "How do we learn to use a BCI? Current state of knowledge, prospects of improvement using an interdisciplinary approach", International Graz BCI conference, Graz, Austria, September 2019 - Camille Benaroch
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Co-leader of the EduIHM group dedicated to research in HCI for Education - Martin Hachet
Member of the administrative council of CORTICO, the French national association of BCI - Fabien Lotte
Secretary of the Bordeaux association of Doctoral Students in Computer Science (AFoDIB) - Aline Roc
Scientific Expertise
Committee for recruitment of an assistant professor at Telecom ParisTech - Martin Hachet
Expert for Appel à projets exploratoires Institut de la cognition - Pascal Guitton
Research Administration
Member of ”Conseil administration de l'AFIHM”, Martin Hachet
Representative of Inria at NEM (New European Media), Fabien Lotte
Member of ”Commission des emplois recherche Inria Bordeaux”, Fabien Lotte
Member of Commission de recrutement des Inspecteurs Généraux de l'Education Nationale (IGEN), Pascal Guitton
Responsable of Inria Cellule de veille et de prospective, Pascal Guitton
Responsable of Inria Radar Committee (new annual Activity Report), Pascal Guitton
Member of Inria International Chairs Committee, Pascal Guitton