Section: New Results

Non-ribosomal peptides

  • A new database, called Doris (for Database Of non-RIbosomal Synthetases), has been created to extend the information we provide about non-ribosomal peptides to their producing enzymes, the non-ribosomal peptide synthetases. For the moment, a first version of the web interface has been developed by Louise Ott, an engineer from Lille1 University. More than 400 enzymes have been automatically extracted from general databases.

  • A collaboration started with members of Orpailleur EPI to design a semi-automatic process to collect non-ribosomal synthetases (NRPSs). We already start adapting MODIM, a generic tool developed by Orpallieur EPI to collect and integrate data extracted from various web sources, to the specific needs of NRPSs.

  • As mentioned in the software section, the source code has been reorganised by Laurie Tonon, a SED engineer, to use model view controller software architecture, implemented with Struts2.