Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

  • ANR MAPPI (2010-2013). ANR Mappi (2010-2013): National funding from the French Agency Research (call Conception and Simulation). This project involves four partners: LIAFA (Université Paris 7), SYMBIOSE (INRIA Rennes), Genoscope (French NAtional Center for SEquencing) and Bonsai . The topic is Nouvelles approches algorithmiques et bioinformatiques pour l'analyse des grandes masses de données issues des séquenceurs de nouvelle génération.

  • RNAspace. This project conducted in collaboration with INRA Toulouse benefited from a grant of RNG-Renabi, national network for bioinformatics, and is one of the topics of the project RENABI-IFB (national call infrastructures Biologie Santé).

    Project web site : http://www.rnaspace.org/

  • A collaboration with the PlasmoExplore ANR project (Laboratoire d'Informatique et Microélectronique de Montpellier) led to a publication [2] . We propose in this paper a new evolutionary scenario for the evolution of Plasmoduim falciparum, the major agent of malignant malaria. Results issued from the collaboration with the ERC founding PopPhyl are in preparation (Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier).

  • The following scientists were invited in 2011 to give a talk at the team seminar:

    Patrick Meyer (Université Libre de Bruxelles), José Gualberto (Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes, Strasbourg), Robert Giegerich (Université Bielefeld).