Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • At the end of 2010, we started a collaboration with the sequencing platform of Université Lille 2 and IRCL (M. Figeac) and the hematology lab of Lille hospital (N. Grardel, C. Roumier, C. Preudhomme), on the diagnosis of leukemia residual disease. This project has been awarded by a “Projet émergent region” grant for 2012 – 2013.

  • Our research on nonribosomal peptide synthesis is based on a collaboration with the ProBioGEM laboratory (Laboratoire des Procédés Biologiques Génie Enzymatique et Microbien, Université Lille 1). This laboratory develops methods to produce and extract active peptides in agriculture or food. Two PhD thesis has been co-supervised by the two labs.

  • We have a long term collaboration with GEPV Lab (Genetics and Evolution in Plants, UMR CNRS 8198, Université Lille 1). Topics includes rearrangements in mitochondrial genomes and evolution of plant miRNAs. One supervised PhD thesis has been defended in 2010, and a new thesis just started in October 2012.

  • The team is in charge of the PPF Bioinformatique. This is an initiative of Université Lille 1 that coordinates public bioinformatics activities at the local level. It gathers seven labs coming from biology, biochemistry and computer science. Main topics are proteomics, microbiology, population genetics, etc.