Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR Mappi (2010-2013, call Conception and Simulation). This project involves four partners: LIAFA (Université Paris 7), Genscale (Inria Rennes), Genoscope (French NAtional Center for SEquencing) and Bonsai . The topic is Nouvelles approches algorithmiques et bioinformatiques pour l'analyse des grandes masses de données issues des séquenceurs de nouvelle génération.
ANR France Génomique (2011-2014, PIA Infrastructures Biologie Santé). This national project involves 13 partners, including sequencing paltforms and bioinformatics platform. We take part to the workpackage on sRNA-seq data analysis.
PEPS Biology-Mathematics-Computer science: “Etude comparative de l’architecture du génome mitochondrial chez les Caryophyllacées et les Poacées”. This project involves three partners: IBMP (Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes), GEPV (UMR CNRS 8198, Université Lille 1) and Bonsai .
ADT biomanyocres (2010-2012): see section 5.8 .
ADT biosciences resources (2011-2013): this ADT aims to build a portal of available applications in bioinformatics at Inria. The projects involves all the 8 teams from theme Bio-A and is more specifically developed by Bonsai and Rennes.