Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Inner Garden will be presented at CES 2019 for which the Ullo company won an award ”Tech for a better world”

  • Publication of "Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Myths and Realities" [42]. This book has been written by 30 academics and engineers working in french labs and companies under the supervision of Bruno Arnaldi (INSA Rennes), Pascal Guitton (Potioc) and Guillaume Moreau (Centrale Nantes). It discusses various aspects : hardware, software, applications, ethics issues... It covers the previous 10 years and give some prospective elements for the future. (the french edition is also available [41]).

  • Winner of Bourse Déclic jeunes, Fondation de France, Lauren Thévin


  • Best Demonstration award IHM 2018 [61],

  • Hackathon BR41N.IO, 7th BCI Meeting 2018, Asilomar, May 20-21st 2018, 1st winning group, Léa Pillette

  • UIST conference hackathon winner, Berlin, Germany, October 2018, Aurélien Appriou

  • Student Travel Award (Asilomar BCI Meeting, California) (May 2018), Jelena Mladenovic

  • Student Travel Award (UbiComp conference, Singapore) (October 2018), Jelena Mladenovic