Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Quaero project
Participants : Charles Kervrann, Patrick Bouthemy, Denis Fortun, Solène Ozeré.
Quaero is a European collaborative research and development program with the goal of developing multimedia and multi-lingual indexing and management tools for professional and public applications. serpico team participates in the Work Package 9 on Video Processing (WP9) of QUAERO Core Technology Cluster Project (CTC). Within WP9, former Vista project-team leaded three tasks: “Motion Recognition”, “Object Tracking” and “Event Recognition”. Since October 2010, serpico has conducted activities in object tracking and indexing for video-microscopy analysis (Denis Fortun PhD grant ( 6.3 and 6.4 ) and Solène Ozeré Internship ( 6.1 )).
Funding: Quaero (no. Inria Alloc 3184), duration: 30 months |
Partners: 24 academic and industrial partners leaded by Technicolor |
ANR GreenSwimmers project
Participant : Charles Kervrann.
Biofilms are composed of spatially organized microorganisms (possibly including pathogens) embedded in an extracellular polymeric matrix. A direct time-lapse confocal microscopic technique was recently developed to enable the real-time visualization of biocide activity within the biofilm. It can provide information on the dynamics of biocide action in the biofilm and the spatial heterogeneity of bacteria-related susceptibilities that are crucial for a better understanding of biofilm resistance mechanisms. The approach is here to characterize the spatial and temporal exploration of the biofilm by microorganisms.
In this project, serpico will develop methods and software for the computation of mean velocity as well as other descriptors of swimmers bacteria dynamics inside biofilm image sequences. We will investigate spatio-temporal features and descriptors for comparison, classification, indexing and retrieval.
Funding: ANR, duration: 24 months |
Partners: INRA, AgroParisTech, Naturatech company |
LI-FLIM project
Participants : Charles Kervrann, Philippe Roudot.
The goal is to develop lifetime estimation methods of moving vesicles in FLIM microscopy. Grant to support collaboration between serpico team and UMR 144 CNRS PICT-IBiSA Institut Curie (P. Roudot's PhD ( 6.5 ))
Funding: GdR 2588 “Microscopie Fonctionnelle du Vivant” - Mobility grant |
Partner: UMR 144 CNRS PICT IBiSA Institut Curie |
DADA project
Participant : Charles Kervrann.
The accurate control of the growing and guidance of neuronal extensions to their target is a very important step for the maturation of the nervous system. The goal of this project ( ) is to develop new computational techniques to analyze image sequences of 3D volumes containing a population of growing axons (see Fig. 3 ) .
Funding: Inria ARC (2011-2012) |
Partners: Inria Morpheme team and IBDC, laboratory from University of Nice Sophia Antipolis |
France-BioImaging project
Participants : Charles Kervrann, Tristan Lecorgne.
The goal of the project is to build a distributed coordinated French infrastructure for photonic and electronic cellular bioimaging dedicated to innovation, training and technology transfer. High computing capacities are needed to exhaustively analyse image flows. We address the following problems: i/ exhaustive analysis of bioimaging data sets; ii/ deciphering of key steps of biological mechanisms at organ, tissular, cellular and molecular levels through the systematic use of time-lapse 3D microscopy and image processing methods; iii/ storage and indexing of extracted and associated data and metadata through an intelligent data management system.
Funding: Investissement d'Avenir - Infrastructures Nationales en Biologie et Santé (2011-2016) |
Partners: CNRS, Institut Jacques Monod, Institut Pasteur, Institut Curie, ENS Ulm, Ecole Polytechnique, INRA, INSERM |